Monday, September 06, 2004

blue herons......

ok, so there are at least 3 blue herons living on the creek this is possible that there are 3 is an uneven number and i would assume that these birds pair-up just like other water fowl.......twice in past days a heron has perched on the bank incredibly close to our dock......and proceeded to take it's waiting-for-a-fish stance.......these birds are crafty.....he/she stood back and up on the rocks.....close to a rock out-cropping.....and literally manipulated its long neck to mimic the outline of the rock.....and it just stood there.........patiently.......until it abruptly thrust its entire body into the water and came up with a fish in its beak..........the fish was flipped effortlessly down its throat....and the stance was taken up kind of thing one sees on nature or wild kingdom.....presumably there are baby nests further up the creek .........but we have not seen them yet.....................the fishing is not restricted to the blues, by the way......there are also little green herons that fish by swooping down into the water from a branch high above.............they make quite a racket.....with higj-pitched screams as they dive.....the blues make a throaty kind of call that is low and base....and only when fishing is NOT the point to the moment................such a pleasure for a moment already brimming with delights.............anytime that i can swim a few laps and then lounge on the dock with the new yorker is a glorious epipsode worthy of note...................

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