Thursday, March 03, 2005

more on poor jacko

ok, so this bit of trivia was on-line this morning:

The singer - who is said to be still not fully recovered from his bout of flu - gets up before 4.30am every day after staying up late talking with his advisers.His early start allows him plenty of time to dress in the elaborate outfits he wears to court, with different coloured armbands, sparkling waistcoats and jewelled belts - chosen, according to Jackson, by "my wardrobe guy".

so, let me get this straight....jacko is up late strategizing with his numerous advisors.....then has to get up early in order for somebody to dress him.......the image of having somebody help me zip up my own pants is a bit silly, but i suppose that jacko lost the memory using zipping his own pants years ago through kack of daily need for usch know;edge.....maybe that could be his best defense against charges......'your honor, my client is innocent because he couldn't have pulled his own pants down........

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