Saturday, October 18, 2008

the week that was....

ok, so....numerous folks came in and obtained applications for the job i am applying for/currently doing.......some looked more capable than car literally died in the parking lot of a sheltered workshop in frankfort.....thankfully i was able to get a battery jump before every able-bodied worker went govt. folks tend to leave the leave the premises very quickly.....i spent most of saturday digging out daylilies from one of my oldest planting beds,....and i replanted/repositioned 36 old-fashioned irises in front of my hydrangeas before i tucked them all in with black mulch...10 bags that i bought the minute that lowes opened this morning.....the black mulch hides my drip hoses so much better than the brown mulch.....though it takes much more black mulch to hide brown mulch...i applied 10 bags in a 20 x 20 foot this rate it will take 30 more bags to protect my new plantings for the winter....yikes....seems decadent to buy mulch in a recession......but then i have this second job.....which is supposed to represent my travel funds....i have yet to hear from the 25th student....the one who failed to show up for the 2nd exam on thursday.....i did check to see if she dropped the class.....hopefully she is having a blonde moment and forgot the test....that is better than many of the scenarios that have crossed my mind.....we drive to cincy in the morning to attend a will be a quick turnaround as we have lots to do and little time to do it.....all of this...and i have not even mentioned the debate.....seems a decade ago.....

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