Monday, April 28, 2014

illuminated pages

ok, between the storm's lightening and thunder, our dog's fearful whines, and thirsty moments temporarily quenched by the water glass on the bedside table....i had a most curious dream that i was frantically trying to identify the name, meeting date/time of a college course i was surely missing due to a recent move from someplace to somewhere else.... in the dream i am grabbing pages out of boxes....old notes from a math class...economics graphs and charts....and then pages from an iluminated book, with my notes written directly on the pages.....something ghastly let alone heretical to do.... i have a vague recollection of a course that i ended up dropping my junior year...something to do with nutrition and culture....i still get chills when i think of the instructor....the kind of person who seemed to feel that i was not good enough for the profession and therefore below her contempt to take this often saw here chatting up the if gpa was a predictor of professional fulfillment.....the smartest girl in my year could not talk to strangers let alone friends without having huge swaths of red swell up on her neck and then creep up into her face..... hopefully she found a quiet isolated job in research and away from the public eye.....but i digress from those desecrated illuminated pages.... and the class exam i (supposedly)missed.....

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