Saturday, February 18, 2006

rivers cuomo

ok, so i spend saturday mornings looking for interesting pieces to places like the nytimes, the washpost,, slate.....among others......sometimes travel sites, though i refrain from that sort these days given my state as a parent with 2 children in college.....personal travel doesn't seem to fit into that formula for the time being...but i digress.......i was particularly drawn to this article about rivers cuomo....from the band weezer.......i must admit that the only weezer song i can halfway recite is undone-the sweater song.......but i am familiar enough with the band's history to want to find out if cuomo has returned to harvard, as was his intention when he dropped out the last time just short of 35, and after much musical success, he is living in a single harvard dorm room without a refrigerator and without overnight guests......working to finish his english degree this spring......he remarked that he is really good at reading a book then writing a critical essay about the work.....and just which works did he choose to discuss with the reporter for the nytimes?......jane austen and the bridge that her work represents between the 1700's and the 1800's.....who knew that rock stars could be closet austen fans?............speaking of the closet...turns out the cuomo uses his tiny closet for 2 rounds of meditation daily......curious, in that his monastic surroundings seem plenty stark for proper contemplation..................wonder if one could get a copy of his senior thesis after he graduates?........i would be interested in what he has to say about my addendum.....i must say that i am impressed, from a maternal point of view, that this 35 year old is finishing his degree....finishing what he started...finding closure for himself and possibly his family....there is much to be said about completion.......

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