ok, so npr did a piece on tiny houses last week......and i meant to blog about the concept, but never made the time until now........pictured is the floor plan for the 100 square-foot home...the one that fits on a trailer....and one of the models being offered by an entrepreneur in louisiana for those who want to live on their lot until they are ready to rebuild........what is not pictured in the queen-size bed in the sleeping loft......reached by a ladder that slides out of the way...all this place needs to function at peak is attachment to a waterhose....the toilet is composting.......the guy who started the tinyhouse movement has previously been featured on npr........he actually lives in a similar model in his dad's side yard.......for a time he shared this space with his girlfriend, but she has since moved on.....go figure............while i have ranted extensively in the past about those who build multi-thousand square-foot homes after the children have move away......i am not ready to swing to the polar abode....one that is so stripped down as to incite homicide amongst the best of friends.......the company happens to sell models with 2 times to 5 times this squarefootage.......i could tolerate the largest of these options if the scenery was spectacular, the bathtub was deep, and the wine was cold and tasty...........

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