Saturday, June 17, 2006

book club...

ok, so book club at dick and leslie's was out on the veranda.....a huge brick-floored covered porch with an eclectic mix of wicker and iron chairs and lounges....the evening air was refreshing rather than chilling.....champagne toasts to each these are folks that have known each other for 20+ some fashion...i did get distracted a bit with the two immense specimens of the fairy.. a re-blooming polyantha rose that has sweet smelling single pink flowers......leslie and dick are talking about cutting them out, as they have grown unruly and cause difficulty in mowing.....i volunteered to cut them back in the fall to a more managable size...rather than see them face destruction......we car-pooled with our friends rick and sarah.....and became fascinated with their new gps screen on the dashboard......especially with our drive down us 27 through nicholasville deemed uncharted territory.....go figure.....there is talk of doing a 13 mile walk along the AT near the north coarliona/tennessee border the first weekend of august.......maybe we could convince our entire family to do this, as other 5-member families of our aquaintance are already signed on.....might be a stretch for the child just returning from abroad, but then again....with jet lag he may be up early every day anyway......just a thought.......

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