ok, so this from crooks and liars......Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, famously involved as Terri Schiavo's parents' spokesman, ran for Florida State Senate (Republican?naturally). His website features the above picture, showing Terry and his wholesome, loving family.
Only problem is, there's a few members missing.
From AP :
Among the conservative Christian's pledges are preserving traditional marriage and opposing gay adoptions. He has touted efforts to stop abortions. His campaign mailers sum up the value he puts on family: they show a picture with his wife, a daughter and three grinning young sons taken before a fourth was born this summer.
But Terry's adopted son Jamiel says the picture is missing two people: he and his sister Tila, also adopted. Both have been estranged from Terry since Jamiel came out as a gay man and Tila had a child out of wedlock.
Now, it's unfortunate that Terry is estranged from his gay son, but he's hardly the first Republican to be so. But the one that gets me is the disowning of his pregnant daughter. Obviously, being the daughter of Randall Terry, she didn't feel she had a choice to have an abortion, so he shows her the door?
You got to love those family values?

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