Thursday, January 13, 2005

this space for rent.......

ok,so in this space, as of 30 minutes ago, there was a blog that has since been deleted.........not really deleted, just moved to the mm-only the brother somehow found it over christmas break, but then, finding things is what he does for a living........and i have mixed feelings already about the deletion, because it dealt with real emotions/reactions....and if this blog is to record my emotions/reactions to life....especially given the likelihood that i will forget any/all of the pertinent details before the end of the decade........then deletion was a bad move.......if i consider that the particulars were upsetting to signficant others.....then it was a good move......and that is the conundrum.......truth versus eldest child desires to be an author...i consider his prose tacitly witty and insightful.....but then, he has never written of anything i have ever done or told him about that i would not want to see in print.....and if printing such things would make the difference between his ultimate success or failure, would i mind terribly much......probably not....especially if he dealt with my flaws in a balanced rather than lopsidedly-ugly way........and more to the point........could i ever become an honest writer if i constantly edit out those details about my realm of experience that may embarass the guilty/innocent of my aquaintance/kinship...hmmmmm.........

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