Friday, May 06, 2005

frist filibuster #8

ok, so this guy is a professor of history at princeton........doing his part in the nearing 250 continuous hours........i read this morning that slots are booked up at least 3 days in advance....even the 5:00 am slots......quite impressive.....if bill frist had the balls to show up and have his say during this that would be really IMPRESSIVE...........but back to the history professor.....i wish that the webcam had sound as well.....i would have liked to have heard the actual lecture from this learned well as the actual words of the nobel laureate, the physics folks et al.........but we cannot have it all, now can we?...............for the record, i believe that a bronze plaque is in order.........imbedded into the commemorate this much more meaningful in this day and age than 'george washington slept here.....' Posted by Hello

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