Thursday, May 05, 2005


ok, so here is a secret blog that i held back due to my enthusiasm for progressive politics.....from sunday

ok, so it is with horror that i recall the events of this afternoon..i decided to pull myself away from the filibuster long enough to get some yard work done....i was whacking off the top and sides of the mature euonymous bushes that line the western-side of the house.....i say mature because they are over 15 years old....and the base of each is quite is all we can do to trim them down far enough each season to keep them from creeping under the siding.......and so i was whacking methodically when i spied the head of a snake coming out from between the leaves......only i didn't see it in time to stop the hedge clippers......oops.........i was so horrified by the sight of the partially decapitated snake that i screamed and leaped back.......which got the attention of my spouse who was mowing the lawn.......thankfully he disposed of said snake before i could decompensate any further.....gentle readers.....much as i dislike snakes....i do not wish them ill and certainly do not seek to eradicate them from the face of my personal planet......and though i saw another (whole) snake within 20 minutes...i am saddened that i dispatched the one in the much for the snake in the grass......around here one must also keep vigilant about the snake in the bush..........

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