Saturday, March 18, 2006


ok, so southpark is not on my top 10 list of shows to watch....but when tom cruise goes to the trouble of nixing a repeat of an episode that spoofed his alien-based anti-depression meds well as his reputed closeted status......i went to the trouble of seeking out the episode online......that is the curious reality about censorship......the censored material tends to get more viewers than it would have if left to its own devices......speaking of which......i understand that a christian group recently placed a video on its website to show concerned parents why they should complain to a tv network about the tawdryness of the content.......which made it far more accessible than it had been before.......

1 comment:

MM said...

ok, so my visiting eldest has convinced me that i would really appreciate the satire that is southpark...if only i would stay up late enough to watch it......alas, i am much too old for that sort of thing