Thursday, October 27, 2005

monarch of the glen.....

ok, so just this moment my own mother could not take time to talk to me about arrangements for us all to drive to lexington saturday to see cayle run her last c.c. raceof the season because she was watching monarch of the glen on bbc that?......well, i don't.....and that was her point....that i really needed to get cable because i miss all the good shows.......i could have retorted with numerous comebacks about missing all the good books......but i demured...because that is what one does with one's mother........she has asked my brother to send her to the chelsea flower show for her christmas present excursion..('s in it will be belated xmas.....)...he has sent her to elderhostels in arizona the last several study tony hillerman novels, the navajo in general....and to study hummingbirds this last time around....we have kin in arizona, and family friends in new mexico....but their kind are dwindling with age and death....and now she has decided that she wants to go to england....with her after-church lunch partner........this is good news......that she is still up for fact...she also tells me that she is going to cleveland for thanksgiving with my brother to visit with her sister and my cousin.............who knew?....they didn't invite me........and so i am planning a much smaller celebration with my spouses's little sister and her fact....she may be going to paris with me to celebrate my 50th this winter.........she has always wanted to go.....and i think we would have a great she loves good food and good wine and good i have no sisters, i should simply adopt her as my own......ah well.....must start thinking about the best long february or march.....which hotel...where to eat........there is nothing better to lift one's spirits than a carrot in front of one's cart.............

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