Wednesday, October 12, 2005


ok, so my trellis rose (city of york) is occasion that i didn't fully grasp until i ventured out to get the newspaper at 6:40 am.....and the creamy white blossoms shown in the combined glow of the moon and the beacons......quite a sight......for such a crisp fall morning.......rebloom is an occasion for this gardening family.......our bit of of york is not supposed to we attribute the 20-odd blooms to benevolence.......richly scented good fortune.....i must say....a subtle combination of lemon and least that is the sentiment in the dawn's early light......before coffee has dripped and whilst one's glasses are still a might fogged from the temperature difference......might make a lively m.i.t. dissertation....solving the fogging of the spectacles during the early morning walk to the mailbox for the newspaper......would that be a physics problem....or chemistry......or...whatever...i would consider it nobel worthy....speaking of which...the nobel prize for literature is to be announced tomorrow amidst contraversy.......these intellectuals......there is something to be said for the mundane of a simple life without drama...............

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