Friday, October 28, 2005

a portrait of rachel.....

ok, so i popped into the tapley exhibit at the arts center in hopes that the portrait was completed and on display.......rats......the artist himself commented that nobody had hoped it would be done in time more than he......i enjoyed seeing again the still life that belongs to wilma b....i saw it last in nyc at sheldon's big opening....the evening that i lost stephan in the the way, stephan....wilma sends her regards.......the oils and pastels on display are quite lovely....though my favorite piece is the pastel of a hot springs in yellowstone that hangs in the artist's dining is exquisite....and i can see myself decorating an entire home around it....should my ship ever come in.....that is my personal definition of good art.....pieces that i would/could/should not only obtain....but plan around for maximum enjoyment.......

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