Friday, January 27, 2006

a million little pieces.....

ok, so i have spent some time discussing with my eldest (the author) the ins and outs of the semi-autobiography a million little pieces...the book by the writer that oprah skewered of late.......and while i understand the ire of the writing crowd.......i do feel some sympathy for someone who portrays himself as something other than what he is.....i have neither endured 3 hours of jail...nor 3 days of imprisonment.....but i can understand the basic desire to much as i can understand the desire to conceal.......and that is where this guy loses me.........i simply omit those details i do not want known......rather than embellish.....and so i am at a loss to understand his making his life seem worse than it was.............lord knows i have spent a lifetime keeping hidden those details that would prove my life worse than i choose to remember.......exactly when i will be totally honest is yet to be determined.......when i am 60? or 70? or 80?......certainly not in my 50's while i still have children at book club is reading lamb.....a tongue-in-cheek recollection of the life of christ as told by his childhood friend biff......and while i know this to be a made-up sounds no more made up than the four gospels.......when you get down to essentials......with angels, and wisemen, and miracles...and most stories differ from gospel to gospel as to who was there or what was why is it that millions of folks are willing to swallow a virgin birth, but balk at the gap between a 3 hour detainment or 3 months in jail.......none of the above or all of the above can be believable....................

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