Wednesday, September 07, 2005

the (liberal) media......

ok, so i have been mesmerized by the clips on-line of the news media interviewing politicians and govt suit-types who are supposed to be in charge....and yet seem to be completely out of touch.......i especially enjoyed ted keppel asking that brown guy from fema why he was just that day finding about something......ted asked....'don't you guys watch the news?'...........the red cross was set and ready to roll long before the fema folks would allow any body to unload anything governmental......clearly...the fema people need to be co-opted into the red cross team......rather than the other way our staff meeting today......the 'disaster plan' was discussed.....we had a post 9-11 guy on staff for 2 years working on an emergency-preparedness plan for the county....and at the time he left....there was, and is no what did he do with 2 years of salary?......go to trainings...maybe the same ones led by this brown (horse-show) guy........and while one can call the media out of control.......anderson cooper was within his rights as an american for lambasting mary landreui as she congratulated her political colleagues for a job well done.......'what about the bodies floating in your streets....the dead woman being eaten by rats that nobody has bothered to pick up and can you stand there and pat each other on the back?'...............i thought she was going to cry for a moment..........and well, she should.....considering how much pork goes yearly to silly things like alaska bridges to nowhere while cities like new orleans have ancient levies that can and will breach.........such a travesty.....and i suspect that politician wannabees will distance themselves from this administration faster than you can say lysol.......and tyhis business of bill o-reilly claiming that nobody has the right to count on their government in a disaster......what planet is he from.......that is why we pay is a covenant.........and not one thought up by the (liberal) media.........

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