Tuesday, November 08, 2005

bleeding heart liberals......

ok, so today the bleeding heart part just got to me.....and when a nicely dressed client described her afternoon in the park with her kids......i at once gave kudos for the fresh air and physical activity.........and after her newly laid-off spouse herded the little ones back out to the lobby to play with the toys she disclosed that no.....health and fitness were not the issue.....her electricity had been cut off ...in the middle of a cartoon.....and it seemed better to take the kids out to the park to play than explain why the television no longer worked.......gentle readers.......most of you have no clue how close the rest of america is to such things as powercutoff....or water/phone cutoff........or health insurance cutoff.......in fact...it has only been since we took on the adoption notion years ago that i began to take in the horror that is subsistence poverty.......my youngest child...to this day.....has a fear of being in the dark.....and she can recall clearly memories of the lights being cut off when she lived with her birth mother.....of going to bed early because there was no other option.........and so i reached into my purse and grabbed the bills at hand.......because i did not think that i could live with myself if i didn't........and then the mother started in crying....which made me cry........and so what happens to folks like this....nobody is having fundraiser events for the working poor who get laid off due to a slagging economy....the presidetn doesn't helicopter in for a look-see.......the papa can't apply for unemployment for 2 weeks after he was laid off....or so he was told.....what sense does this make?.........and even with medical cards/food stamps......these are the kind of folks that will probably fall through every crack because they are ashamed to ask for help..or worse, he will feel compelled to volunteer for armed combat to make ends meet.....omg..........these were children who had no public health records....because up until recently they had had no need for any help of any kind.......and it appeared a tremendous burden for them to come for wic vouchers to supplement what foodstamps may provide.....though until the power is restored i advised against actually buying milk, eggs, cheese with the vouchers........ponder the state of america, my friends........i would just stop here.....but i have more catharsis to disclose......why do i not respond in such a way to the other poor and down and out folks who i meet every day......why did it take a well-dressed mamma with visibly precocious children to raise my internal alarms.........i am ashamed that i do not do more to ease the plight of my fellow humans................

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