Wednesday, July 27, 2005


ok, so i don't read doonesbury faithfully.....not near as often as i should......or i would have noticed tuesday's strip which contained the following.....

(Bush and an aide are lamenting the problems the administration has had over allegations that Rove leaked the name of a CIA officer to reporters.)

Bush says, "Karl's sure been earnin' his nickname lately."

The unnamed aide says, "Boy Genius? I'm not so sure sir ..."

Bush then says, "Hey Turd Blossom! Get in here."

gary trudeau didn't make that really is one of bush's pet names for his handmaiden rove.....but some papers opted to cleanse the strip by taking out the nickname....and others pulled it alltogether......the lexington paper is on teh lbieral it ran as was ...not an issue for the danville paper which has not carried it in my memory........i find it humerous that many folks likely missed it until the story ran about how it had been censored.......and that is what always happens when censorship raises its ugly head......everybody wants to be reading what is too naughty to read......frankly, the nickname may be one the of few things that dubya got right............

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