Friday, July 29, 2005


ok, so i have finally returned from picking up my daughter from the camp bus........i arrived 15 minutes early and the bus was 45 minutes it takes no rocket scientist to figure out that i am hot and annoyed.....yet still mildly amused...imagine sitting in a sedan, with the windows all electronically lowered to max breeze......with a car on either much the same condition.......this state of affairs is similar to working in a cubicle....everything said is heard by everybody else......and so i was surprised when the woman to my right proceeded, in her run through her cell phoen directory looking for someone with which to chat.......each of her many conversations went something like this....

'whachadoin? in this blessed car waiting for sarabeth to get back from camp.......the bus justy passed through crab orchard.....ti will be at least another 20 minutes.......'

the car to the left was worse.....this lady had celine dion blasting.....well, to be fair anything above a high c is enough celine for my taste.......and so i sat in the middle, quietly reading washington post highlights on my pda......luckily the car adapter was on-board........and then the bus came......and we waited another 20 minutes for the counselors to first...pass out medications in labeled plastic bags........and then for each child to be matched up with someone whose driver's liscense matched up with the camp information form......oyvey.......

but i digress from whachadoin?.......clearly i am lacking such a rich social life when i can think of only a handful of people that i would be so bold as to call during the day to say whachadoin?...... and even then i would have to have had a pressing reason to call them in the first place.......i must admit that i am not a chatty phone i am unprepared to see others who are so comfortable with that breezy format........and who could be so methodical in the lineup of queries, comments, etc.........could have been scripted......maybe that is a niche call scenarios for the socially ten lists of safe conversations starters, fillers, wrapituplines.........hmmmmmm............maybe i am on to something here...........but back to the woman in the sedan to the right..........she never seemed to tire of these conversations....after the third i lost count........when there was a lull between calls.....her phone was too funny......when she answered.....oh hi, ....i have been trying to get ahold of you.....i left you a message but you never called me back.......duh..................

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