Sunday, July 03, 2005


ok, so we went to a party last night...given by one of the thirtysomething cyclists in the area........and as one would anticipate.....thirtysomething cyclists have thirtysomething friends...mostly......and thus a great percentage of the crowd was either pregnant, or with a spouse who is pregnant....or who just had a baby...or might be considering having a baby...and all were tanned/buff/pictureperfect...and while i suppose i could have thought of things to say to these folks.....many of these couples go to our church....that was mighty difficult in that the live music was too loud for such conversation......i can manage to talk loudly to be heard by someone i know well...but i am less apt to do the same with people i only know in passing.....and so i chatted only with a handful of partiers.......the mother of a boy that went to montessori with my middle child.....and the spouse of an older fellow who rides with my spouse on occassion.....and a couple from our bookclub.....but mostly i spent my time watching the taped stage 1 of the tour in one of the 3 garages on this property....the original ownder was a builder....and he built wherever and whatever he wanted....but i digress.......we brought along a bottle of red bicyclette.....a wine that is much advertised of late.....and it is not worth the sticker wasn't bad....just not worth the cost......and, it was much better than the beverage alternatives.....a bourbon punch.....and a cooler full of sangria.....both these options looked like hangovers waiting to happen.....but then...this was a thirtysomething crowd........the view of the fireworks was nice......but they were over much too quickly, and we were back home and in bed by 11:15.......thus is the lot of the fifty-somethings......who value a good night's sleep over most diversions.......a concept that the thirtysomethings will figure out one day......

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