Monday, July 11, 2005

library book.......

ok, so i broke down saturday and went to the library.........knowing that before i could check out book si would have to settle up for the books on cd that i borrowed for spring break.....and lost track of for a couple of weeks.....that kind of fine adds up.......and so when i was legal to check out a few volumes.....i chose sequels to mystery series......rather than books that some would consider interesting/timely/worthy.......i sat up finishing the first of two last evening......just so my personal library connection could return it for me before the ink dries on the more fines for me.......all the while i have several unfinished books lying about....the new nick hornby, which isn't bad.....but putdownable....i lost interest when i started the aphgan project.....i can multitask many things....but knitting and reading at the same time aren't on the list.....for the record.....i am down to my 2 last panels, and then the sewing it alltogether part begins.......i have also been reading a guide to dublin that i have purchased for andrew as a gift.....he leaves in under 3 weeks........and there is the book club book......the kite flyer......that i had better get started onif i want to be finished by august 2........considering that harry potter 6 comes out has promised to deliver it on saturday afternoon.....and so this book will become my priority........the last 5 have been the can'tputdown i envision several days of taking it to work, to read on breaks and during know the can'tputdown middle child pointed out yesterday that the harry potter book, as (to be) sold in britain has 2 ofr children and one for adults.......seems adults were less likely to buy the book to read...say...on the train or bus with the more juvenile-style cover.......ha!@ that is really quite humerous.......i am surprised that this hasn't been done here......shallow as we can be here in the states........but i digress.......time to get ready to go to work......lots to do today, actually.....catch-up reading for a diabetes course that i start teaching tomorrow.....or rather...reviewing stuff just be make sure of my facts.........interesting how easy it is to put off work-related such thing as can'tputdown reading material at work...........

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