Thursday, July 21, 2005

never underestimate........

ok, so today was my day to travel to a sister health department....a journey delayed by 1) a woman in the road with dog on leash talking to a person in a parked car 2) a bus parked in front of a house with it's lights flashing and its stop sign sprung.....3) a laden asphalt truck heading toward the bypass.....on a road that defies passing 4) a late model mercedes going 25 in a 45 zone....i may be slow but i'm ahead of you.......the day was actually if all of the best clients waited til today to come ny way....the mother who was breastfeeding in the lobby when i called her name, who was delighted that i invited her to finish up in my office....she almost kissed me when i gave her an electric breastpump courtesy of the state of ky.......i also had a client whose toddler bounced in carrying a book.....this never happens.......and i had not one but two pregnant clients who told me upfront that they plan to breastfeed.....and asked me if i could give them useful information on pumping and going back to school/ often does these experiences come into play twice in one day when one's sons are 21 and 18?........the older of the two was quite serious when she asked me exactly how to warn her yet unborn child from the breast.............gentle readers.....this is not a question i hear everyday in my new line of work......but i knew the answer.........from readable sources and from personal testimony.......and this alone would have constituted a good day..........but i cannot leave out the blonde of my co-workers is a blonde......a barbie-like blonde......and today she came in from lunch with blonde jokes.....she told this herself......why do blondes have such trouble going to the bathroom alone?.....because they are not used to taking down their own britches........ha!.......but then she went on to more serious idiscussion.....she had turned off the radio at some point while she was out, because of some country song that equates 9-11 with the war, and lowrates those who are against our fighting heroes in iraq.....well, she went they say in these parts......about how the terrorists were not from iraq, and how the war was a made up war....and how the government is selling us a bill of goods......gentle readers.......i did not see this once-a-week workmates are folks that i assume to be conservative, underinformed, and republican......and thus i say little about much when i am first day, when asked about my hyphenated last name.....i replied, sweetly, doesn't it sound so nice together?...... with no reference to equality or any related issues.......and i talk little about my kith and kin........especially after questioning of princeton as a college town.....isn't it just before you get to st louis, in western ky?..........and so for this person to come out as a democrat.....i was taken aback.......she husband is a die-hard republican, but i say....i will sooner sleep with republicans than vote for any of them.........ha! it made my day.............

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