Tuesday, December 27, 2005

behind door number 2

ok, so i have spent much of my non-work day trying to put together travel plans for my mother's spring.......she who will not be going to the chelsea flower show because my brother has deemed foreign travel too dangerous......curious how this conversation didn't come up when others were discussing summer school travel plans......but that is ok with me....the image of my mother abroad is daunting....she who couldn't be bothered to walk from the car 500 feet to see the princeton chapel because her knee was bothering her....the knee that the xray deemed normal that she is having mri'ed tomorrow.......just in case.......anyway...there happnes to be an elderhostel in philadelphia that includes a pre-show tour of the phillie flower show, a bus tour to winterthur and longwood gardens as well as tours of heritage sites inside philadelphia......she seemed placated when i mentioned this as a potential destination on the phone earlier today.......

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