Thursday, December 15, 2005

diane keaton.....

ok, so i have been happily diverted by the coverage of diane keaton's newest film...the family which keaton plays a mm of an extended wearetheworld family.......and one of the son's brings home the hopes of offering the grandmother's heirloom 'rock' as an engagement tribute.......and the cast have largely been quoted as surprised that keaton was ascerbic and prone to practical jokes that could be considered notsonice......sarahjessicaparker was reported to have left the set in tears on more than one ocassion.......and i found this hysterically entertaining.....that these young bucks thought that keaton....she of annie hall/godfather/reds fame would coddle them like the celebs that they have come to see in their collective mirrors.........they are lucky she spoke to them directly at all, let alone condescended to play with their minds......yeah, so parker played a well-heeled bimbette for several years on what?......keaton has survived in this business for longer than since parker left eastern ohio.......and if parker wants to play with the big dogs, it will take more than a closet-ful of manola's.......

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