Thursday, December 22, 2005


ok, so i was amused and affirmed today when i read the bill o-reilly has the new yorker on his website's hit list of offensive media outlets......for the record i want it noted that my re-up for the new yorker topped my personal christmas wish list......but i digress........i am now officially on vacation the next 4 days....and i started off the seemingly endless hours of merriment and leisure with a bit of catch-up.....last week's new yorker....and the article about p.l. travers and the bastardization of her famous book series.....mary poppins........i can recall reading those books in my youth....back when my library card number was a three digit number...something like 123....that i could simply repeat to the librarian without the need for a memory of mary poppins in print involves purchased gingerbread with gold stars atop the portions.....and mary poppins climbing a ladder at night to afix the foil stars to the night sky......not a scene from the fact if would seem from the new yorker article that very little from the books (there was a series....) made it into the movie......there were 4 children, whittled down to 2 in the movie......and other than mary poppins blowing in with the wind....very little in common.....which was upsetting to p.l. travers....who was a literati in london...and on speaking terms with t.s. elliot and yeats......i can understand the plight of the author who sees the literary masterpiece shredded in the machine that is hollywood.....just today i read a article about how jane austin would be turning over in her grave over the newest film version of pride and prejudice.....and i was unsympathetic to that cause......despite me own intrinsic concerns with the deviation from the book.....and so.....who is or screenwriter?.......or audience?.........cannot we have a bit of perspective is jaded from my recent road trip with my mother......during which she recalled memories differently on each retelling.....and who is to say which of the renditions is truth and which is expanded/altered/ i not embelish my own accounts of personal feats?...........artistic license vs book verbatum?.......regardless....i am certain the though bill o'reilly disses the new yorker he likely reads every word......and....he may be just as upset about mary poppins movie versus book.....he may be the guy who cries out in empathic connection at the prelim showing of the new london staging of the real mary poppins......don't know what i mean by that...then read the online article.......

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