Monday, December 05, 2005


ok, so my life has become a checklist of sorts....with my pda's calender alarm reminding me what lies just ahead....last night i completed the task at hand.....youth supper at church.......there were far fewer youth there than i prepared the minister offered to take extras to the family with the kidnapped child......i did open my mouth to argue the point.....but decided it wasn't worth it....the family did go through a lot and i had all of that leftover lasagna.....and now the task is checked off my mentallist.....and i can go on to the next item.....diabetes support group this evening in anderson county......eventually the reminder will beep with drive to princeton......and then it will be almost christmas.....i dreamed last night about being on a yacht (spelling?)....which is strange because i have never been on one.....and there is nothing scheduled on my pda calender that resembles such an event.....gentle readers.....please do not get the impression that my life is is now so decidedly unbusy when compaered to the past when i did not have a pda calender to flash and beep with my next appointment....but somehow this arrangement makes me feel just as rushed.......could that be why i dream of yachts....for some real leisure time...unscheduled least in dreams.....?

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