Wednesday, December 07, 2005

i need new music

ok, so listened to the tunes on my pda today during lunch.....and i must say.......i need to start least for a while.....the 64 or so songs have already become tiresome......which is why radio really took off.....because it was random..or so it seemed.....and one could hear something new now and again......i do sometimes listen to wuky over lunch via the well as world cafe when i am out....but it never occurs to me to stop and either pay to download any of those songs....or buy an entire cd.....and so i am stuck in my little time-lag with songs from alias or with pre-80's stuff like csn&y, led zepplin, the beatles, neil young, indigo girls, .....beck.....all desirables....but i really do need something refreshing to stir things the very least i need 5 good mountain goat this point i know of none.....

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