Wednesday, December 07, 2005

vaughan isn't dead.....

ok, so alias is just now over.....and the previews confirmed what the celebrity gosip shows already hinted at...that michael vaughan isn't really dead.......and for this alias junkie/hopeful romantic.....that is very good news that the end is near.....well.....may is the end of the series.....i could not imagine the show ending without sidney settling into parenthood with her baby's father....and the rimbaldi business tied up....and maybe her parents back together as well.......or maybe not......and it was a nice addition to this evenings episode to have a reprise of julian sark....the freelance agent we just love to hate....tomorrow is my lincoln county...which is a good thing because the office staff share my fondness for alias......and where else would an alias junkie want to be the morning after than with folks who are almost as possessed.........

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