Wednesday, December 14, 2005

southern in address only.....

ok, so at breakfast the local cracker barrel....(i knew where it was but had never eaten there....)there was an audible and collective gasp when i ordered my 2 scrambled eggs, sugar-cured ham, hash browns......and hold the biscuits, the gravy and the grits.......'you don;'t like grits?.....ytou don';t like biscuits or gravy?......what kind of southerner are you?.......obviously not much of one......i can claim kin who came from england through the shenandoah valley of virginia to ohio.....but that is as south as my family tree is rooted.....and i did not take the opportunity to point out that my german kin in cleveland were part of the underground railroad system......and so when the waitress brought the grits by boss grabbed them and said someone would surely eat mine....and that there was no use sending them back......and sure 'nuff..........somebody did...............

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