Monday, December 19, 2005

stuffed grape leaves.....

ok, so much for devising a menu with foods my guests would like......i concluded that i must have only been thinking of myself...this thought came to mind as i was devouring the container of leftover stuffed grapeleaves......and wondering why there were so many leftover......'mom, i don;t think anybody liked them as much as you'........well, so much for my pseudo-vegetarian middle eastern feast.....must think of other pseudo-vegetarian fare for our diva dinner.....not thai....i have given up on thai........maybe i should break out some of my 70's era hippie-style cookbooks and go from there.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually love stuffed grape leaves--I would have eaten more--it's just that my cold has robbed me of much of my appetite.