Wednesday, December 28, 2005

mamma's friend jane

ok, so i tracked down my friend jane through her sister, ann maris.........she is simply behind on her correspondence, due to a change in medication that has minimized her fine motor skills......ann maris may bring her down from cincinnati for lunch on mlk day, if that is convenient....we couldn't come up with a mutually agreeable date til then.......these are folks that i have known for 25 the category of people i knew before i met my spouse.....when i was in graduate school i had 2 beers with them and my roommate and our mutual friend beth on fridays at 5:00-7:00 at the blind lemon bar in mount adams in cincinnati.....we were regulars.....and knew only the bartender and waitress in our little time slot...on the rare ocassion we popped in for drinks on another day or even later on friday.....we didn't know a soul.......we also played backgammon, a game i have quite forgotten but wish to relearn.......but i digress.......i am delighted that jane is still viable....though peeved......ann maris told of her trip to england over the summer with her mother and her 2 children (about the age of my eldest....) a trip that didn;t include jane......wheelchairs are not conducive to a 2-week garden and home tour of england.......which brings back yet another jane flash-back......i remember being shocked when jane charged an entire trip to spain on her charge card.......a novel notion in 1980....but as it turned out....she was wise to travel while her two feet could still carry her......and before her no-good husband left her in the for-worse years.......jane is the kind of friend that can pick up where she left off with conversation......and never asks why i haven't called....she just jumps in wherever things are and takes it from there........i appreciate such niceties as i get older..........

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