Thursday, December 29, 2005

no rest for the wicked......

ok, so i have the next 5 days off.....and though i intended to celebrate this fact with a few extra hours of sleep this morning....extnded slumber was not to be......i failed to consult with either the cat or the dog......who have internal clocks set for 6:30 am outings and feedings....these are not pets to be trifled with.......even in his dotage the dog can manage to whine loud enough to be heard through a closed door and a down comforter pulled over the ears....the cat can be heard without her bothering to climb the stairs.....and so i have been up since 6:40 am......reading the papers, catching up on my favorite blogs, plus mainstream media lik the nytimes, washpost, and others.......and now i am considering crawling back into bed...maybe with a book to read until i get groggy enough to nod off.........kind of like a mid-morning nap......the most delicious variety...........

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