Tuesday, December 13, 2005


ok, so i enjoyed this blurb on gawker.com...about a sister blog.....The obsessively comprehensive and utterly amusing blog Regret the Error, which tracks noteworthy corrections into newspapers around the world, today published its list of the year’s best corrections. Top honors went to the Denver Daily News, which won Correction of the Year for this squib from its July 27 edition:

The Denver Daily News would like to offer a sincere apology for a typo in Wednesday’s Town Talk regarding New Jersey’s proposal to ban smoking in automobiles. It was not the author’s intention to call New Jersey ‘Jew Jersey.’

my favorite error was on the bottom of a new yorker column once....quoting a small town...somewhereinamerica newspaper....that apologized for the error in the recipe for mincemeat pie in the previous issue......the recipe should have called for 1 pound of raisins....not 1 pound of ground beef..... the new yorker staff added the following.....'the dog liked it just the way it was......'

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