Saturday, October 31, 2009


ok, so......i especially enjoyed this nytimes article about a guy who decides to walk a marathon by doing 75 laps around his own brooklyn block.....his piece reminded me of my own walked marathon......if you take the time to savor this article se sure to open his multimedia diagram of the 75 laps.....

home again....

ok, so....i took the long way home yesterday from the state park....i will admit to taking a peak at the atlas that is kept tucked behind the driver's seat....but the route was somewhere in the fold by the staples....and so i took my chances by heading 'south' figuring i would eventually run into frankfort......glorious day with leaves falling and the sun shining....and my eldest's 'sunny day' mix in the cd player......very few cars on these is good.....

Friday, October 30, 2009

retreat update #4

ok, so i have breakfast followed by 3 more hours of meetings before i head home....planningf to get out the atlas and drive back by way of frankfort so i can shop the tuesday morning and goodwill while i am getting mileage paid,,,,,we need a can opener, and i just know there will be a nice chrome easy-turn model at tuesday morning.....i opted out of baseball last night after the 4th inning....and slept soundly until my neighbor started in whistling....sometime around 6 desire to know which if my colleagues is so blasted cheerful in the morning hours.....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

retreat update #3

ok, so....i have been meeting since breakfast at 7:30 am (a powerpoint program on adult vaccinations).....thankfully hashbrowns were on the buffet...i can manage to listen to just about anybody if potatoes are involved......lunch involved a speaker on adolescent immunizations (yet another powerpoint but as mashed potatoes and gravy were on the buffet, i was attentive......supper was powerpoint-free....the lieutenant governor spoke on his health care reform vision for ky.....the red skinned potatoes were nearly raw but the prime rib was just perfect.......yeah....and we had sessions between all of these lecture/ much for rest and relaxation....

retreat update #2

ok, so should have slept soundly, being on retreat and all....but i woke up at 4:00 am....coughing and carrying on.....and cvould not get back to sleep.....i have meetings today....all day......maybe i can sneak off to take a little nap if things get too boring....or if i feel to exhausted from lack of sleep to stay awake.....

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

retreat update #1

ok, so.....i am on a work far not relaxing as we mostly traded vaccine tales of woe over a heartburn-quality supper of ribs and baked current book on cd finished well before i arrived, and i struggled to get npr in this neck of the woods....we have a working breakfast, lunch and supper tomorrow...and while this is the only way that sponsors can pay for meals, i am not looking forward to a 7:30 am breakfast speaker....go figure.....


ok, so...i am heading out after work for a retreat at general butler state park.....with others who direct health departements.....we will mostly sit about and kvetch about the flu.....which is not my idea of retreat, by the way.....but we cannot help ourselves...the flu IS all we think, talk, and dream about.....i am looking forward to a nice vacation(with family not workmates....)once the flu has subsided and the vaccine has been delivered, injected, and forgotten.....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

parental controls

ok, so.....this new-fangled computer has a fancy toolbox available to the we had been able to place such limits on activity on-line before now.....

Monday, October 26, 2009

sunday afternoon hike

ok, so we gathered at the refuge for the annual members meeting....a small but intrepid group......and we gazed in awer at the trees cut down by the beaver who has taken up residence on the island in the pond...there was a bit of lively debate over whether it is better to import a mate for the beaver, or deport the beaver to somebody else's refuge.....or to simply give refuge to the beaver who found its way to the property.....for as long as it chooses to stay......we also walked down to the far corner of the property where a new trail has been that has creek access and a lovely propect......a nice place to put a bench.......and a narrow lockable gate to keep out the 4-wheelers......the leaves were at their fall peak and the sun shown brightly....and the refuge could not have been more beautiful on this october afternoon....

Sunday, October 25, 2009

the one-hour opera

ok, so my husband and i ventured out last night to the final performance of an opera by henry purcell......nicely staged and accompanied by a 5-piece ensemble that included a harpsichord and several stringed instruments.......a student performance, which we watched along with scores fo students....who seemed adequately appreciative that their peers could sing opera as opposed to choral works in general......the tallest of the females in the chorus sings with our church choir.....and it was fun to see her enjoying a secular performance.....our middle child was credited as a we never actually saw him while we were at the theatre, but given that bthe event went off without a hitch.....must have been the exceptional stage-management.......

Friday, October 23, 2009

working in my dreams

ok, so i have worked the last three my dreams.......the first shift was back at the hospital, in the kitchen, though i was not doing any actual cooking......just shuffling between the offices in search of somebody.....the next night i divvied up h1n1 vaccine all night...debating with physician offices over who needed it most...and last night i made cookies...for the annual meeting of the members of the refuge.....rather, i kept burning cookies because i failed to get them out of the oven on time.....this has happened before...the dreaming about work as well as the burning of cookies.....maddening that both have interrupted my sleep...i am far too old to work all day and all night....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

belated bosses day

ok, staff did remember me on bosses day last friday with a card and a candle.....but the real treats come they are staging a snack day in my honor......for the uninitiated, snack day involves a day-long array of high calorie delectables that are either kept cold on ice, or kept hot in crockpots or refrigerated with large notes on the fridge door reminding folks that they are there for the taking.....i have already indulged in a bite or two of cheese ball, and a pimento cheese sandwich......i find the notion of a day-long cheese course just about perfect......

Monday, October 19, 2009

mulch mania

ok, so i am in the systematic mode.....i am moving slowly from bed to bed clearing out the overgrown plants....mostly daylilies but i find that daylilies are only one of many plants that were planted innocently in my garden only to become weeds by the same time i am terracing with the stones i once carried to create the pre-brick garden path network.....these stones allow the beds to have greater soil-depth as well as keep the mulch in place......and give the illusion of extra areas of flat space.....flat! of my favorite four-letter words......i truly envy those lucky enough to garden in flat places.....and so as winter approaches i am finaly whipping my yard into shape.....better late than never.....

Saturday, October 17, 2009

pasta with zucchini and mint

ok, so.....i was perusing the nytimes this morning, and there was a lovely photo of a pasta dish that can be made out of waning summer ingredients......which in my case are long-gone ingredients....the zucchini shriveled and died a while back, and i ripped out the leggy mint which was out-of-control in the bed where i have moved many roses in my latest re-terracing project.....i have no doubt that this mint is not gone is a faustian bargain of culinary proportions.....but at this very minute i have no edible mint.....what i do have is a major case of the saturday morning lazies.....while i know deep down that i really need to get dressed and drive the truck to lowes to buy mulch to finish all of the plant rotations that i started last weekend.....that and run by the aldi store for juice and a few sundries.....i continue to surf away on-line rather than do my saturday chores.....which will not include a nice lunch of zucchini and mint...unless of course the aldi has zucchini and i can substitute lemonbalm or basil.......

Thursday, October 08, 2009

more on the numbers dream

ok, so one of my workmates likes to look up dream meanings on-line...and she contends that my enclosed porch dream indicates that i am feeling trapped......i suppose this is true in that i have no trips any time soon and the h1n1 vaccination frenzy is looming.....i do have my terrace/patio project underway.....hope to make substantial progress on it this weekend.....

Wednesday, October 07, 2009


ok, so numbers rarely play a front-and-center role in my dream life....but i am still comtemplating the meaning of last night's dream as the i ease into bedtime...i was on the porch of a brick home......the enclosed porch of a brick home...and the address 2553 was in red metal numerals that stuck out a tad from the brick rather than laying flush.....and they were framed to accentuate the address......but given that the porch had been enclosed, the framed 2553 could not actually be seen from the road.....i have no lcue if there was another 2553 on the outside of the enclosed porch....and i have no clue as to why i was at that very place at the very 2553......hmmmm.......

Sunday, October 04, 2009

ham and cheese sandwiches

ok, so H1N1 vaccine is in my dreams.....i worked all night with madcap schemes to distribute the vaccine as quickly as possible.....the most unworkable scenario involved ham and cheese recollection how that one was supposed to help the cause...unless the sandwiches were lowcost incentives to those giving or taking the injection...i recall reading somewhere about a program in africa that rewarded men who got vasectomies with radios......not sure how that relates to my dream but the notion does make me smile.....

Saturday, October 03, 2009

the nearly forgotten blog....

ok, so.....this poor forgotten blog came into my mind this morning as i was playing wordtwist on facebook......and i felt a tinge of many diversions and so little time beyond my day job and my night class.....and grocery shopping/cooking/dishes........and gardening chores.......and facebook word games......these days my spouse has the browser set to forget websites- he thinks that the cookies slows everything i no longer have blogger on my dropdown frequently visited menu......out of sight-out of mind......hopefully i can do better this week......