Wednesday, February 18, 2015

snowed in....for a third day in a row

ok, so....the county judge executive closed all county agencies, including mine, for an unprecedented third day in a row. Probably just as well as most of my staff live 'out in the county' on roads not yet cleared and so while I might have been able to make it I could not have opened without at least one clerk and one what would have been the point....wondering about the likelihood of closure for Thursday at this point given that snow continues to fall and the temps will drop to near or below zero with wind-chill. As for me, I have thoroughly enjoyed the last two bonus days off....I have watched 14 episodes of Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries on Netflix....and have worked on a second afghan .....having finished the one I was determined to finish as a NY resolution and discovering I had enough odds-and-end shades of cream yarn for a second one. If this weather keeps up I may finish it....and then maybe start on finishing the quilt top that may have been started when the boys were little and blue and peach were the 'house colors'. The 'quilt project' is stuffed into a bag...and I have not had the heart to take it out and to figure out where it is in the process...or whether the pattern has been included in said bag.....heavy sigh....I am making orange pound cake out of a white cake mix, canned mandarin oranges and vanilla yogurt that needs to be used up...planning on using orange extract rather than orange juice, which I may just drink with some leftover champagne....why not?....I am also heating up bean soup that I had frozen when I decided I had had enough of eating it as a leftover at supper and work-day lunch.....there may be enough eggs left to make a small batch of cornbread to go with the bean soup....and if I can manage to make time I will prepare for my class scheduled for Thursday night.....if I do not prepare the snow will surely stop, the roads will surely be cleared and the temps will surely warmmmmmmm...enjoy YOUR day.....

Saturday, February 07, 2015

binge watching.....

ok, so....I have ventured in to the world of binge watching, made possible through the advent of streamed content.....Ventured is not the correct word, as it brings with it the implication that I have never binged before....back when I was recovering from the broken ankle I watched all of the episodes of Lillehammer...and Foyle's War...or at least I think that is when I lay upon the couch and watched...this may be a Brian Williams-style memory.....but of late I have binge-watched The Blacklist....during an unfortunate few days of GI distress when I stayed home from work.....and lay upon the couch streaming Netflix.....and I have re-watched all of the available episodes of Sherlock.... mostly on Saturdays while walking on the treadmill while others were away....I have also recently rewatched all of the episodes I own of Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot.......and now I am binging on Elementary, or at least as much of a binge as one can do with the DVD's containing 4 episodes, given that this program is not old enough to be in the fully-streamable category. I find this program to as delightful as a show featuring gruesome murder, thefts, etc. can be.....smartly extracting the essence of the original Holmes stories and playing them out in NYC with a recovering addict as Holmes and a 'fallen' female surgeon as Watson. I watched all four episodes of the last DVD yesterday, the first after work before anybody else returned home for supper. One must fill in the gap between the present moment and next Thursday when the newest 'fresh' episode of The Blacklist airs.....this particular show reminds me of Alias, a series that lasted 5 seasons and one that my daughter and I have binge-watched on purchased DVD's over the years. Over the holidays I rewatched all of the Harry Potter movies. We (collectively) made a point of rewatching all of the extended play Lord of the Rings and Hobbit films.....prior to viewing the last Hobbit installment on the big screen in the local theatre. I have considered giving the rewatching of Downton Abbey a go.....but I am not sure I wish to relive WWI, or the death of Lady Mary's least not yet.....and I probably should start at the beginning of Dr. Who...if for no other reason than to see what all the fuss is about....maybe in my spare time....