Monday, October 31, 2011

grey, short-sleeved t-shirt

ok, so in my dreams i was wearing a grey short-sleeved t-shirt....with writing on it.....possibly writing above and below a crest of some sort....i was with my daughter's birth a county fair style aisle of rides and games and greasy food stalls....the scenario grows less likely as the descriptives pile on....i do not wear grey short-sleeved t-shirts, nor would i go to a county fair midway with or without the birth mother....i can recall announcing that i needed to change into a longsleeve shirt, because the grey shirt was dirty and because the sun was going down....and all the sudden i was riding in a car with my sign fo the birth mother or the carnival rides...wearing jeans and a longsleeve t-shirt from DBF......go figure...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

rocks and boxwoods.....

ok, so....i have spent the past few weeks systematically digging out and transplanting 20+ year boxwoods ahead of the construction timeline for the greenhouse....without the row of boxwoods there is space for a 7 foot by 10 foot grrenhouse below the deck that will catch maximum winter and early spring sun and be reasonably shaded during the hotter months.....the entrance will be under the back deck....and will require a detour from the brick walk that connects the cabin-side yard with the garage-side yard...the detour necessitated the removal of decades of vine-growth that covered the rocks that i removed from the paths when i laid bricks.....and so i spent this weekend ripping out vines, moving rocks to two separate terracing projects, and laying the rocks into their new locations...for the record, moving rocks, even by wheelbarrow, uphill, is hard work....and just when i thought i was done with moving rocks, i noticed that there are more rocks by the cabin displaced when the workman poured real steps at the cabin door.....i say 'the cabin' though i really mean 'miss lulu's'...because that is what we have always called the cabin once owned by miss lulu clue where i will move those rocks.....hopefully a good nights rest will inspire me...

Saturday, October 08, 2011

a soggy tale of woe....

ok, the last minute this morning, as i was rushing about trying to select the appropriate outfit for making soup and sandwiches for the shut-ins with my church family, i decided that my shirt really needed to be ironed....and when i stepped onto the basement floor....the rug squished.....squish is never the sound one wants to hear...water was flowing out of the water heater....and i immediately reached for the yellow turn-off valve....we have been-there-done-that with the water heater before.....the plumber has been and gone and we have a brand-new water children and their signifcant others are downstairs working the towels/shop vac/fans to dry out the carpet in the only downstairs bedroom.....thankfully the water never touched the numerous books.....i am also thankful that this leak happened while we were home rather than the water damage could have been significant

Tuesday, October 04, 2011


ok, so....i was met at the door when i stopped by the methodist church last evening after work to pick up my mom from her regular phone-answering slot.....they had told her several weeks ago that they were putting her on the 'sub' list and that they had found someone else more reliable to answer the phone in that time mother had missed the week my brother came, and the next week because we forgot to take her....and the church used this opportunity to ease her out of answering the phone....'you know that your mother is going downhill, don't you....?'......that is not exactly how they said it but that is the gist of was like being told that your child was no longer welcome to come over and play after some minor infraction.....the afternoon at the phones was one of the few outings my mother had, and i am saddened that the church could not figure out a way to make it work despite her memory issues.