Monday, December 31, 2007

dashing duo in paris

ok, so.....i have spent the morning teaching myself how to scan.....starting with framed photos that i want to save on flickr in a private folder....just in case.....sadly, several photos have become fused with the glass...and some like the photo featured can no longer be detached and were scanned through the glass.....hopefully, the duo pictured have asked someone to take their picture together before their adventure draws to a close.....

Sunday, December 30, 2007

doctor, doctor

ok, so.....i have had a vague aching in my left jaw for a few days......which i took to be from sinuses clogged/lack of $81 sinus medicine......and then i woke up yesterday with a tender back tooth.....but the tenderness seemed to go away when i took a shower....which must have unclogged my sinuses.....but things got really tense mid the parking lot of j.beth booksellers when i decided that we all needed to go home rather than out to eat because my tooth was now throbbing.....and i tried all measure of over-the-counter stuff which seemed to work for a time....but during supper the throbbing became so intense that i broke down and called our home.....on a saturday night.....i figured twas better to call right then, rather to call in the middle of the night as i was certain that i would not sleep......and so we decided that one of three things had happened.....that my sinuses were clogged/infected, or i had an abscess on that tooth, or i had broken that tooth (it is the tooth directly above the tooth that gave me grief over thanksgiving...the dentist told me i likely have been clenching my teeth and i damaged it and the gold onlay.......) but i digress.......he had a few antibiotic tablets in his own medicine cabinet, and a few left-over painkillers from his gall bladder surgery...and he offered to hand them over to my spouse if he could come right over.....despite the bottle saying might cause drowsiness i was up most of the night....but at least my tooth stopped throbbing....and at some point my face actually popped....and so this morning i have tried to recreate the combination of otc drugs, but will hold onto the few remaining pain killers for use only under throb conditions.....hopefully we can touch base with the doctor today and figure out how to keep my face unclogged until i can see my dentist (who i do not feel i know well enough to call on a weekend) and/or i can refill my sinus prescription in the new year and under my new insurance policy which has a lower co-pay.......only 2 more full days til this, and the houseguest...shall pass.....

Saturday, December 29, 2007

great day for the goodwill

ok, so...i took our guest and our daughter on a tour of my favorite goodwills this well as to j.beth....i cannot resist the temptation of half-off christmas cards.....and spruce-scented candles it would appear......but i digress from the goodwill experience...a stellar that could only have been made perfect by the finding of something hermes.....a dream day that has not yet happened but keeps me going........i found a high-end name silk my size that retailed for more than i spent in 2 stores on 3 people....and this includes a baby blue banana republic blouse, a matching leather purse that resembles like a berkin bag ($5.50).....a pair of brown jones new york cords, and a silk foulard scarf to wear with my black heirloom coat......also a find at $1.75.....i did purchase clothing for our guest, at her request, suitable for going to church...khakis, a black t and a black linen go with borrowed actually looks rather elegant.....and she agreed because her horoscope told her not to make decisions without consulting a person with good taste......i kid you not.......i must add that my jaw throbbed during the entire outing....a situation that will be remedied on wednesday when my new deductible for prescriptions kicks in and my $81 sinus potion will be only $20.......i know that enduring pain is foolish for a savings of only $61.....but principle is that i am home and have taken a few pain relievers and held a hot compress to my sinuses seem to have cleared a bit and my teeth are no chanting 'cheap, cheap,cheap'......... my daughter is peeved because i skipped out of lunch in cannot eat when one is in misery....and now that we are back home she and our guest have taken off for parts.....known......but away from here......3 more days.....we can do this......

cooking for company.....

ok, so i am into my second week of cooking for which i mean for folks who are not in our little circle of can never think of one's own children as company...and as a mother i live to prepare my children's favorite foods.....but i digress.....i am running out of ideas for what to this point our dinner guest cannot eat anything hard as these foods cut into her gums under her dentures....a sad state for someone only 32 years old.....we have a new guest for supper on wednesday.......a nephew traveling from illinois back to idea what he likes so i will cook what i know his father likes......and then thursday we are back to just the circle for a few days.....this morning our guest was with us bright and early for breakfast.....and so i made 3-potato latkes and scrambled eggs (mostly eggbeaters...) and canadian bacon....this evening i have already cooked ribs to serve with macaroni and cheese.....not much effort required, though i will make the cole slaw from scratch...not sure if cabbage is too hard, but i like slaw with my ribs.....and sometimes you have to make what you like without guilt.....

Friday, December 28, 2007


ok, so...the nytimes had a piece on new years eve that included the word torpor....which was exactly my state of mind at work on a friday as i was reading the article......i laughed out loud...and sent the article to one of the few brilliant folks i know who might appreciate the connection.....

a good thing....

ok, daughter and her birth mother are trying to piece together her family tree.....this is a good such details are often lost in these situations....writing it all birthdates....just names....but this is still a positive step....


ok, so...i have been thankful for friday before.....but i don't recall needing it to be friday quite so much as on this day......just need to get us all through 5 more days of a 7 day visit.....and that feat should be easier when i am here rather than a county over....

Thursday, December 27, 2007

a good night's sleep.....

ok, so.....i slept like a baby last night.....which means that i worried about absolutely nothing......and this is a good thing.....too bad i have to go to work today...i would like to rest on these good-sleep laurels whist in my jammies.......

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

the german letter

ok, so...the german-born daughter-in-law of a co-worker translated our letter over lunch.....and it was so very sweet...and so very deja-vu...our german-kin were explaining to us in great detail just how badly their knees, hips, and other vital parts are sounded so much like sunday dinner with my own kin that i was comforted in all we have in common......we were wished a very happy new year from relatives who live in our family home built in doesn't get much better than this.....
ok, far so good....that is all i'm saying.....

the namesake

ok, so we watched the film version of this favorite bookclub book last evening......and we were impressed by how moving the movie turned out to be......some elements were added for drama, i suppose....such as the mamma's musical career that she returns just before the credits rolled.....though it wasn't in the book it felt right, somehow....i did feel strongly the differences between my family's immigrant experience and that of this collective clan.....the german contingent went to great lengths to dissolve into jettison visible/audible differences as much as possible...when my grandfather was dying in a nursing home, i asked him why i had never once heard him speak german.....and he replied that his mother had asked you want to be german or american?.....whenever german came out of his mouth.....and so he chose, like so many chose.....especially in the years leading up to WWII.......and especially given what happened to the japanese immigrants......and though i know for certain that my german cousins were fighting against us at some point, i also see that they had little choice in the nazi-controlled era......kind of like the northern and southern folks had to make nice to make things move forward......but i digress from the namesake.....other than to acknowledge that i have no idea what it feels like to be visibly and audibly different......and why this movie was so moving in its desire to help me understand just that notion......

on my plate the day after christmas....

ok, here is the short list......make copy of german letter so co-workers daughterinlaw might translate it......begin work on department's new web site (the last paid consultant got the boot and took it down, but that is another story; we will be tagging on to, and there are few choices to be made with site design)....send in my syllabus for the spring semester........get gas for the to l-ville to pick up birth mother ......this last part is coloring the day, even though it will take place after work......and for the rest of the year.....

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

christmas run/walk

ok, so....i decided to go with my spouse at 10:00 am this morning to the annual xmas walk/run that begins in front of a friend's house in rolling meadows.....because my spouse assured me that walkers would be there.....he named names, and so it never occurred to me that there would be no walkers.....not even somebody who would decide to walk instead of run.....and so i walked for 30 minutes with my hat pulled down over my face, because i felt so conspicuously NOT from the rolling meadow/indian hills area......given that it was christmas morning, i had no fears that anybody would construe me as a villain casing the collective joint...but still.....the few cars that did go buy gave me the you don't live around here once-over as they passed slowly by.......the runners were not back when i finished with my long loop...and so i sat on the front steps and petted the host's cat...until a runner's spouse walked by with her mother and her brother-in-law (visibly winded from their agonizingly slow pace.)...and so i joined them for another loop....nice to catch up with folks i only see on occasion......and one who knew exactly why i was in her neighborhood......and who apologized for not being there earlier to walk......

spinach casserole

ok, so....we make this casserole in this terracotta duck every christmas.....

2 packages frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed
1 large jar or can artichoke hearts, cut in half; drained
8 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese

Arrange artichoke hearts in bottom of casserole dish, or duck. Arrange well-squeezed spinach on top. In medium bowl, combine cream cheese, butter and parmesan cheese; spread over spinach. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes or until cream cheese is getting golden around the edges and the casserole appears a bit bubbly. If baking in a duck, remove top top for last 10 minutes of cooking time. Replace duck (top) before serving.

Monday, December 24, 2007

merry christmas to all

ok, so......i acknowledge that 10:30 is a bit early to go to bed on christmas eve.....but we are tired....and all of those who will rise 6 hours earlier in a distant time zone.....we wish you a very merry lunch gathering...and hope that those who must make their train leave plenty of time......

christmas greetings auf deutch......

ok, so now that the family's sole german speaker is away, we received christmas greetings from the family contingent in lambsheim......all we know is that both edwin and his wife are alive and well enough to sign their names.....cannot wait to read what they had to say.......when we last wrote to them we asked specifically about the property that edwin had leased out now that he cannot no longer tend....what?.....that is what we wanted to mother tells of how her grandfather from lambsheim was a wine drinker, and edwin's cellar was full of wine bottles without labels...and so in my fantasy his kin grow grapes........

p.s. i love you....

ok, so...i took the youngest to the movies this see this movie made from the book she bought in paris...yeah.....most people who go to paris do not buy tear-jerker chick-lit as a memento.......and while she was miffed most of the movie....with outbursts of that wasn't in the book, i found myself weeping from start to finish....and i had not read the book, nor have any plans to read it......and it was not like i could identify with any of the characters.....other than the notion that the lead female's husband died young, which has not happened.....but does cross my mind....say....on sunday mornings when he is late for church and i fear that he is in a ditch somewhere...his bike on top of him....or tuesday/thursday/saturday when he goes out to run in the pre-dawn dark/rain...this guy died from a brain tumor not a running or biking accident and the dying part we are is her getting on with life that makes the movie.....i must have needed a good cry...because right now i feel great........

polishing copper

ok, aim on this december 24 was to stay in lounge about until noon......nearly there.....and to catch up on potentially dirty tasks before i get around to getting dressed.....and so i decided today was the day i would return my copper omelet pan to its original splendor....and i am close.....oh so close.....just trying to figure out how to get black burnt-on grease streaks off without scratching.....the pan will look picture perfect when i make my holiday latkes in the morning....i am now off to clean out the vegetables drawers......not a job that is ever high on my list...but i might as well as my sleep shirt is already smudgy and the clothes i intend to wear are still in the dryer.....i also plan on working on a load for the goodwill out of my side of the closet......not necessarily holiday-related chores.....but there is not another soul in this house at the nobody to entertain or cater to.........or at least until later on......when i will actually wrap the gifts......i always out this off until the last minute because it seems to add the christmas eve excitement......fix dinner, eat dinner, go church, and then come home and wrap gifts.....

the winter solstice....

ok, so in all of the to-do getting my eldest to the airport....which ended up not being a big deal because in lexington there was no line for delta, and no line for security...but then if i had not rushed to get there he would have had to wait.....mothers just know these things....we did make a stop at j.beth to buy him a moleskine journal, and the display was vastly depleted, and all that was there were packs of three thinner journals.....and the line had 50+ winding back toward the cafe.......but i darted down the escalator to the children's department and waited only 5 minutes in back of 2, but i digress......after my darling boy disappeared past the security station towards his gate.....i opted to go on home rather than to take the chance that all stores had 50+ in lines, and no alternative cash register downstairs....we (the collective we.....) decided to break out the movies purchased for christmas as family gifts......we watched the bourne ultimatum first.....a marvelous thriller that was better than the first two of the series.......and then after supper we watched the last of the pirates of the carribean, which was every bit as bad as i remembered brother described it as fit for the rubbish bin.....we still have harry potter to watch, though i shall put it last as my spouse and i watched it not only in the theatre, but also going to and from paris in november.....and ocean's daughter asked for the entire gilmore girls' 7 seasons on dvd......didn't spring for all 7, but purchased enough to keep her busy until school starts...but i frankly i do not see our remaining kin huddled around the set watching these daughter will be miffed that i did not purchased the last die hard movie.....nor spiderman's latest.....there were several movies i declined to buy......but i digress.....another scrabble evening would have been a better way to spend an evening than the pirates movie......speaking of spending an evening.....i kept waking up in time to worry about just where my boy was in the scheme of things in the air?.....on the ground waiting in the immigration line?.....on the rer train into town?.....heading toward the louvre? word so far.......but having scoured the newswires for any mention of aviation disaster i must conclude that my overnight vigilance kept the plane aloft.......

Sunday, December 23, 2007

and they're off.....

ok, eldest is aloft, and heading for paris......for a marvelous holiday adventure.......oh to be young and footloose.....

scrabble nights

ok, so....we enjoyed a second night of scrabble after shakertown last night, partly for the fun of it and mainly to give ourselves something to do until my brother arrived...which he eventually did....seems the d.c. traffic getting out of town and on into maryland was bumper to bumper and 20 mph for quite a ways.....and as it happens he didn't miss much.....our dinner at s-town was not up to dinners past.....though the overall downer-mood could also be because of the list of people missing....not only a brother but a child and a girlfriend who stayed in nyc doing data entry for her ph.d. advisor rather than come home for the holidays.....ah well.....things change and we must change with those things......but i digress from scrabble...the eldest went on to beat us all again.....with a whopping score......must wait til after the holidays to play him again......we drive him to the airport after lunch......bon voyage.....

Saturday, December 22, 2007

best-laid plans.....

ok, so......we delayed the beginning of our eldest's european holiday so that we could all go to shakertown together with my brother......but the annual meal is this evening, and as of 9:15 my brother had not yet left his the d.c. area.....gentle readers.....he will have to drive like a maniac to get from there to shaker village by 7:00 tis evening.....and given his state of health....he doesn't feel well, hence the traveling delay.....i am hoping he takes his time and arrives safely even if he doesn't make the dinner.......

Friday, December 21, 2007

tidings of comfort and joy....

ok, so this from the nytimes.....One woman's kindness to a fellow Starbucks patron resulted in more than a thousand others spreading the holiday-season generosity in this northwest Washington town.

A regular patron at the chain had paid for the person in line behind her a few times before, according to The Everett Herald. But on Wednesday, her good deed set off a chain of 1,013 customers paying for the next person's drink.

Many coffee shop patrons tacked on an extra $10 or $20, which shift manager Sarah Nix said Starbucks Corp. will donate to its ongoing holiday toy drive.

The seemingly spontaneous pay-it-forward run ended at 6:20 a.m. Friday, a store employee said. The name of the iced-tea drinker who started it remains unknown.

even more about my germanic kin

ok, mother had gone off the deep end about the note specifically to her in the email from austria.....first, she was convinced that gertrude must be confused because she made a statement about how all of the schauer family is gone in the same sentence as she reported that her spouse had passed away....and that it could not be so because gertrude was a schauer....and then she went home and called her sister in cleveland, and they decided that gertrude was confused because schauer was her sister's married name, and her sister had a son/family and that the family couldn't be gone...and when i suggested that she might be referring to her spouse's family- mentioned int eh same sentence- all a translated sentence she insisted that if the spouse was somehow related to her sister's husband her sister would have known about it......and then my mother proceeded to say that she and her sister would send a letter to gertrude 'setting her straight' american cousins cannot be sending letters to 90+ year old german/austrian cousins telling them that they don't know their own heritage/family ties as well as we do........thankfully, the eldest will be translating,a nd he will have the sense to leave out the outrageous parts......

Thursday, December 20, 2007

playing as a team.....

ok, so this from security supervisor at Catfish Bend Casinos in Iowa was fired for putting up the Dilbert cartoon featured. He wasn’t a “team player.” Apparently at Catfish Ben Casinos, watching security footage to see who put up an innocuous cartoon is a team player move.

worried-mother syndrome

ok, so....i have come down with an extra-virile case of worried-mother syndrome....most unwelcome during the holidays...but then again...what better time to worry about each and every details surrounding the lives of ones children than during the holidays?...there are gift worries, baked goods to worry arrangements to agonize about......makes me tired just thinking about all i could be worrying about if i only had the definitive list......

more about the austrian kin...

ok, so....must get out the genealogy charts to make sure the connections between my sons and the austrian relatives they will visit are clear.....what i do know is that the elderly mother (gertrude) still living is a woman my mother corresponded with as a child, and that my mother and her sister sent clothing to this woman and her sister (elizabeth) along with staple foodstuffs like sugar and flour to her family after the war. We visited the sister in Hanau in 1972 on a family trip to Europe, but did not visit gertrude because we did not go to vienna let alone past it to parents did go there sometime in the early 80's at the time my brother was living in germany......the folks we visited in lambsheim would be cousins....and everybody would be related in some fashion to my great-grandfather michael stephan....i figure that the folks who answered the eldest's letter of introduction are my age or a bit older, given that their mother is a bit older than my mother....but i digress......i am pleased that contact has been made, a reply received, and potential plans agreeable on both sides.....

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

far-flung kin

ok, sons will meet up with more far-flung kin....outside of vienna.....cousins to the folks we met up with in lambsheim a few years parents traveled there to visit when i was still in graduate school.....and so they emailed kind greetings to my mother.....the email was in german, of course.....thankfully somebody on this trip will have a clue was is being said......

no words to describe this....

ok, so this from extra-special wedding is taking place in Times Square: Jennifer Cannon and Doy Nichols of Lexington, Kentucky are tying the knot in the Charmin Restrooms. The bride is wearing a dress made out of Charmin toilet paper, the design of one Hanah Kim, winner of the 2007 Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Contest. Interestingly, the dress is actually really pretty.

a bit of fun.....

ok, so....go to this site for a bit of relaxing splatter painting......remember....your mouse is your brush and a click changes color

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


ok, so...i had a brief flashback whilst addressing christmas cards to out-of-town folk.....a fleeting vision of stephan taking a picture of reese in the holiday trimmings aisle at the lexington target.....while i was selecting these very same cards at 50% idea if this is a false memory...something made up in a dream.......i do like the cards, though.....

dazed and confused....

ok, so....i slept so soundly that i never heard my spouse leave to run, and when the alarm went off (which in our case means when NPR came on)...the blaring words caught me off guard and i was for a moment dazed and confused.....i get up the same way every day.....a few minutes to lay back down and listen to the headlines, maybe the first 3 minute story if it is about something other than blood and guts....then on downstairs to make coffee, then out to the road to get the newspaper while the coffee brews....and then on to the p.c. to check to see if any emails are from .fr........all this takes under 10 minutes......and is repeated even on days when i do not have to go to work.....the timetable if not the actual timeframe....what can one say about a life governed by coffee and media?.....

Monday, December 17, 2007

from cnn....

ok, so this from cnn...... Richard Desrosiers never made it to Heinz Field to watch his beloved Steelers play football, but his widow helped him fulfill his dream in death.

Karen Desrosier says taking her husband's ashes to a Steelers' game was "an overwhelming experience." Thanks to some help from sympathetic donors, Kathleen Desrosiers attended Sunday's game, bringing an urn with some of her late husband's ashes, as well as his ring and two pictures of him. He had died in March of a brain tumor.

"I couldn't take the tumor away. I couldn't take the pain away. I couldn't make him better. But I can do this," Kathleen Desrosiers, 60, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Though he lived in Exeter, New Hampshire, Richard Desrosiers adopted the Steelers at an early age and followed them closely. He named his dog Steeler and his wardrobe, by his widow's estimate, was 95 percent Steelers gear.

Braving the biting cold and the Steelers' disappointing 29-22 loss to the Jacksonville Jaguars, Desrosiers waved her new Terrible Towel, showed off her painted face and warmed her head with a Steelers hat. She called it "an overwhelming experience."


ok, so.....we put aside the christmas cd's....and dusted off our collection of vinyl albums.....starting with dan fogelberg's first home free...his voice is so very clear and lilting in this 1972 work.....the last time we saw him on a televised production it was after he had started treatment, and he was a bit very glad we still have the turntable....which is not connected to anything techie...cannot transfer any of our old music to cd or digital...but we can still be in the moment with our music the was an experience looking through our floyd, crosby,stills, nash and young, eric clapton, carole king, jackson browne, the eagles, joni mitchell, simon and garfunkel, bruce springstein, bob dylan, joe walsh, steely dan, jethro tull, james taylor.......


ok, so....i got my letter yesterday confirming that i have successfully re-certified as a diabetes educator for the next 5 years.....the letter hinted at changes in the process for the next re-up...and so i dutifully studied the website....and discovered to my horror that these people expect me to document on a daily basis times i spend with diabetic clients, starting january 1, 2008.....i can also count time that i read about diabetes, attend diabetes trainings and meetings, and plan events that involve diabetes.....the notion that i have to keep a log is annoying...not a deal breaker....but certainly an additional tedium to an already tedious job.....

sleeves too long....

ok, so...i logged on to of my fave sites...and i had to gaze for a few moments on the ad du for cashmere sweaters one could buy as a very special christmas gift...on sale now at macy's....and i was appalled...not by the price...but by the sleeve length as portrayed on the model...who looked 12, but that is another rant entirely.....this poor girlk had sleeves so long as to cover her hands....gentle readers......there are few things more annoying in my humble opinion, that wearing a garment with the sleeves too long....the shirt i am wearing at this very minute....liz claiborne....has a very lice feel for cotton knit, is of a tuckable length, but has sleeves that are about an inch too much so that they tend to fold up as i type, and as i write at work...and the very ends tend to drag in my food if i am not why, oh why...would i desire a cashmere garment that might drag in my food?......

hope this isn't true.....

ok, so this from gawker......For the bargain basement price of $275, the New Museum will provide you with the perfect accessory for your delusions of grandeur and persistent copraphobia: Gilded poo! The Museum actually sells capsules stuffed with gold leaf, "each approximately 1 inch long," in "sets of three," which they suggest that you swallow upon purchase. "Pure gold passes straight through the body and ends up in your stool resulting in sparkly shit!" according to their website. (The gold pills are made by long-ago Gawker fave Just Another Rich Kid.) If you're an actual museum member, they'll knock the price down to $247.50. Does that include a museum staff member willing to bear witness to the these Turds of Treasure when they materialize?

the downside of on-line....

ok, so now that i am taking stock of all i have ordered for the youngest and only child to be at home for xmas.....i noted with horror that what i thought was a cardboard stabilizer at the bottom of the box was an LP....rather than a cd that i had on earth would that have been a choice that came up with a search on amazon for a relatively new cd?.....i had this happen once with audio rather than cd's of a book....must pay more attention to these potential spoilers.....and obviously, must return the conundrum LP

part of the plan

ok, so i read with great sadness that dan fogelberg passed away over the weekend from prostate cancer......he had announced that he was actively fighting the disease back in 2004, when he canceled a concert tour......i was fortunate enough to see dan as a backup guy for the eagles back in 1976, and then again when he was promoting his nether lands well as twin sons of different mothers with tim was a song from that album called since you asked, a cover, but still a powerful song, that we had read at our wedding.....dan's music made my life much more meaningful......from 'part of the plan'...all of the answers you seek can be found in the dreams that you dream along the way.....and the chorus goes like this...

Love when you can
Cry when you have to...
Be who you must
That’s a part of the plan
Await your arrival
With simple survival
And one day we’ll all understand...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

lime tea cookies

ok, so this recipe came from m.s.'s website, but i didn't especially like how martha made i made them my own way....

1 1/2 sticks butter at room temperature
1 cup confectioner's sugar
grated zest of 2 limes
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice
1 tbsp vanilla (I prefer mexican)
1 3/4 cup flour
4 tbsp cornstarch
1/4 tsp salt

With an electric mixer, cream butter and 1/3 cup sugar until fluffy. Beat in lime zest, lime juice and vanilla. Add cornstarch and salt to mixture, and beat thoroughly, then add flour and beat thoroughly. Draw dough together into a ball, cover, and chill for at least one hour. Roll out on a floured board to 1/4 inch thick; cut with a small cutter- I use my fluted cutter from Dehillerin- and place on greased cookie sheets. This cookie does not spread, so cookies can be placed 3/4 inch apart without fear. Bake at 350 degrees about 10 minutes, or until bottoms are barely brown. Cool. Place remaining powdered sugar in a flat-bottomed container. Coat both sides of each cookie with sugar. Cookies may be stored in airtight containers or frozen. Makes at least 4 cookie sheets full of cookies.....i didn't count!

christmas card hall of fame....

ok, so.....i finished baking 4 kinds of cookies just in time yesterday to place an assortment in a tin to give to ernst's brother james and his wife barb as they arrived......i have plenty to fill more tins, but i digress.....i have a sequence in mind of how my christmas preparations must go......and the cookies fell before the evergreen arch over the door and the christmas letter....even the cookies had to wait til the eku tests were graded and the final grades tallied and posted on-line.....and so i have started the christmas letter, and emailed the draft to those who are mentioned there-in...the tradition of letter-review stems from the year my mother announced in the family letter that i had miscarried twins.....which was a possibility, but had not been determined and was frankly nobody's business outside my own circle of friends.....after that i have always gotten a call asking me what is allowable for all to know, and what we'd rather not fact, it has become a joke between my brother and i...the notion that some things are to be kept to ourselves lest they be sent out in letter form to everybody our parents ever met........the christmas letter tradition goes back to my childhood, when my dad spent considerable time penning our family missive, which listed in great detail our travels for the that my own family sends cards a letter makes a lot of sense, especially for folks we don't see often and who we don't generally hear from until we get their idea how to casually mention my record-breaking two trips to france in a single year without it sounding like bragging.....

Saturday, December 15, 2007

flap over adoption failure

ok, of the big internet stories this week was about a dutch couple (diplomats) who relinquished their 7 year old adopted korean child to authorities in hong kong, saying that the match had not been a good fit.....bloggers such as michelle malkin have made this couple out to be heathens or worse....but i must give quarter to this couple.....and to their critics, i have only one question to ask.....just how many children have you adopted?.....i am fairly sure that malkin herself is no adoptive parent.....few folks are despite the high profile celebrity adopters featured so frequently in the news......adoption is hard.....there is such a thing as a bad fit.....and while it is clearly possible that these parents did not try very hard to make it work......i can not fault them for failing.

Friday, December 14, 2007

old times

ok, so this afternoon i dropped by the aldi for a few things before i went to the movie.....and i ran into some folks i used to work with at the hospital in what seems now like a previous life....and this person, who i knew for 18 years on the job....asked if it was true that my spouse and i were no longer did that come from?.....i laughed, and then assured her that she must be talking about me leaving the restaurant, not my marriage.....that was a big breakup, and one that had nothing to do with wedded bliss.....curious that this is a rumor that she dated to be several years old, and one that i have not best guess is that after i started working out of town, and therefore shopping on my way home.....i am not out and about in d-ville as i once if folks see my spouse my himself....that is a conclusion that one could erroneously make.....i must not let this encounter with an old friend disturb my day.....or my weekend.....still have much to do on my list.....

the golden compass

ok, so....i took the youngest to the early show....and i was surprised that i enjoyed the movie at all given some of the reviews....i suppose those who read the books felt that a lot was left can feel that sort of angst when there are a lot of story lines and the director/producer/screenwriters had to pick and choose.....but walking in and knowing nothing about the adventure save that the catholic church is offended is good enough for me.....i enjoyed what i saw....and am now i read the books and be disappointed next round...or just wait til the sequels are made to find out how it all works out.....


ok, so.....i have many miles to go before i sleep on this next-to-the-last friday before christmas......i work a few hours in my furtherest away county......but this is ok because i can hit a goodwill, and buy wine on the my way back...and lunch on decent hot/sour that uses those little black tree-like mushrooms.....and is generous with the tofu......and after work i really mist shop for our weekend houseguests...arriving tomorrow.....which means i do have time to take the youngest to see the golden compass, finish those holly cookies and maybe tidy up yet today.....and i really would like to make my annual arch out of greenery...the one i put above the front door......and maybe even put the white lights around the shrubbery.....and write the christmas could happen.....

Thursday, December 13, 2007

increasingly dangerous cheeses....

ok, so thanks to the LO for this link......

little red candies.....

ok, so.....i have a confession.....much as i have not a sweet bone in my body....i have a passion for those little cinnamon redhots......a love affair almost as old as i...when my grandmother in cleveland kept them in a glass candy dish on her coffee table.....and if my brother and i worked together, he could lift the lid, and i could scoop out a handful for each of us....and he would have the lid back on and both of us out the door before anybody was the some point my grandmother caught on....and moved her dish to the shelf above the kitchen had to be mighty crafty, or actually do the dishes by hand to get a quick taste.......gentle readers, one could simply ask grandma for a handful, but if it were close to dinner....the answer would be no.......hence the if we were clever in the least.....just think what a couple of handfuls of redhots does to one's was not like nobody knew.....but i digress from the redhots now in a dwindling bag in the corner cupboard's top shelf.....i bought them to make holly leaf cut-out cookies...the cookies are baked...all we need do is to make the green frosting....3 candies go on each one.....maybe tomorrow.....if there are candies left


ok, so...of the five students who had yet to turn in projects due 2 weeks ago prior to the final.....a total of zero made the effort......four of the five actually showed up to take the final.....which has the same point value as the project......and one of those four actually admitted that she had not had time to do a project (worth a fifth of her grade?)....who doesn't have time for that? person failed to show up for the final and failed to turn in a idea what happened to him....he never called nor emailed......and the saddest part.....i feel responsible for their irresponsibility......must get over it......

a cat out of the closet

ok, so...the clawing began about 3:18 am......rhythmic clawing...seriously panicked clawing.....and that only means one thing....that the damned cat has gotten herself shut up in our closet, and she just woke up from her long winter's nap, and she won't stop until she gets out of the closet.....curiously, she will not meow when she finds herself in this will simply claw under the door hoping to move it.....which is entirely possible, as it is one of those folding doors...this is a cat who once opened the back door off the deck by hanging off of the french handle with just the right position......but one cannot count on success in the middle of the night.....but for someone who wakes up to this noise, and desires to go back to sleep...the only hope is to get on up and open the door for her......

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

the nobels.....

ok, so i neglected to mention neither the nobel ceremony held this week, nor the benefit concert held in its wake.....i did take the time to watch the youtube version of melissa etheridge's academy award-winning i've got to wake up.....somehow i find the reminder the polar bears are drowning as the most disconcerting of all that was presented in an inconvenient truth...meanwhile dubya is teaching his dog to be a guide at the white house......what is wrong with this picture?

liquids on planes....

ok, so this from one of my fave blogs.....Wonkette salutes an unidentified 64 year-old German man who had it up to here with the stupid rules about carrying liquids on airplanes. The poor soul was just trying to make his way home to Dresden from Egypt when airport security in Nuremburg told him he’d either have to pay to check his liter bottle of vodka or throw it away. In protest, the gentleman chugged the entire bottle while security watched. He didn’t make his flight to Dresden, but that’ll teach those young whippersnappers.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

food photo therapy

ok, so...i must give credit today to the food photographer whose lovely quenelle lifted my spirits this morning......i am intrigued by the science of food, and the photo as compared to the google search were a mismatch.......and that is the best part of cooking to me.....the figuring out how it was done.....a raison d'etre.....on the other hand, maybe a trip to lyon in search of the perfect quenelle in lemon butter sauce is in order......

glass half-full

ok, so.....i appreciated the phone call this evening to check on my emotional state......yes...this has been a most trying week......and promises to be a most exasperating month.....but i have to keep coming back to reality...i have dealt with much worse.....and lived to tell the tale.....this is not about me....and i must not let it become so to suit others......if anything this will be fodder for many a best-seller....the funniest part so far has been the phone message changing the appointment....the caller totally mispronounced the clients name...and when the client heard it she threw down her belongings as if the mispronunciation was the root of her problems.....sadly, this center of the storm has not yet figured out that her siblings have the potential to make her into an icon......i kinda see myself as played by meryl, by the this drama that is mostly kept to ourselves to date....i have not shared this with my own mother......


ok, so....i moved around my entire day tomorrow to take someone to an appointment....only to arrive home to a voice message that advised that the appointment had been changed from morning to i will have to go in to work tomorrow and re-arrange again to make it work.......a notion that i find hysterical considering that in my line of sets appointments.....and people come in when they damn well public health nothing happens before 9...even 10 in the morning because nobody keeps these appointments....these folks will show-up at random times in a matter of hours, or days, or weeks...and be in complete surprise that they are not in standing at check=in scheduled time slot......

as labeled.....

ok, so.....the photo as labeled in flickr has drawn 19 views......many more than our little circle of friends...which means that there are folks out there with search engines trained toward....such labeled articles......and i had quite forgotten the street market photo taken in paris that reminded me of amelie....that photo also drew a crowd until i changed the label.......gentle readers.....i fail to see the interest that anyone could find in what are now part of my gardening attire......

december 11

ok, middle child shares a birthday with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (dissident Russian writer) born in 1918, Hector Berlioz (musician) born in 1803..John Kerry born in 1943..and Mos Def (rapper)born in 1978...a curious gathering of talent.......

Monday, December 10, 2007

a realization

ok, so...we started to put up the tree this evening, but stopped short because we never put up the tree til 12/ deference to our middle child's birthday.....all of the trimmings are now in the took several trips...and it was at this point that it occurred to me that christmas boils down to THAT which we are willing to go out into the dark and wet to retrieve from the garage my case it is the german whirly-gig that has the 3 wise men going around in circles whilst angels hold up candles, the heat from which spins the wooden sails at the top, which in turn...moves the that?.....i also went out in search of the santa on bicycle........the obscenely large christmas santa that my mother bought for us a few years back because it included a bicycle.....which was supposed to excuse the large financial expenditure made on our behalf.....i didn't recognize it at first, as it was enclosed in an extra-large trash bag.......and i was distracted by all of the junk that we have in the attic of the garage that i have completely forgotten about.....stuff, stuff, and more stuff.....and apparently things we cannot live without....granted...many things belong to child #1.....things he didn't need in his current place but might need at some point.....and when/if he moves abroad next year we must move around stuff to make room for his stuff.....i am already saving to visit him where ever he is......

up to 20 million people applied for the 20,000 tickets

ok, so... i have read numerous write-ups of the led zeppelin reunion one-off benefit concert.....and i had no idea that the market for these tickets was so surprising that the quotes from pleased concert-goers were of my age group......who else could afford tickets that cost $300.....not including the plane ticket over to london, the hotel, etc.....i imagine the folks who were able to make the trip and see the show have always regretted that they didn't make the journey to see them in their heyday.....there are whispers of a reunion that john bonham's son has taken over the drums......

a weepy and teary-eyed MM

ok, so....tomorrow is the 21st birthday of the middle child, and though i have hugged and kissed him no fewer than 30 days is still difficult to be away from one's offspring on the anniversary of delivery.....i have already gotten out the delivery photos.....and lacking a scanner cannot upload the best ones.....he wouldn't return my calls if i did......but still this mother has so many reason to be proud on such a day......

so old, so old.....

ok, so.....waking up the day after an 8-mile hike in rain and mud is humbling.....i could barely walk to the curb to get the newspaper......thankfully, my fitter spouse is also complaining of sore muscles.....we await the awakening of the youngest...who boasted at supper that she was NOT sore......i'm betting on her complaining the loudest of us all.....

Sunday, December 09, 2007


ok, so if you can soare oprah on the stump for obama in s.carolina......

otter creek walk/run

ok, this was the best photo i took during my 8 mile/3 hour hike in the mist/ooze/ only does these things for love....i never actually saw the promised ohio river overlook because of the fog....and the rain....and it was meaningful to walk where john j audubon walked...i made time to read the markers......the rest of the photos are on flickr.....i would say i'll never do this again, but we really do have a great time with our friends at this event.....

Saturday, December 08, 2007

fox in suburban d.c.

ok, so my little brother took this picture of a fox in his backyard in reston, va.....the fox looks almost's that for not-especially worried.....

the otter creek run/hike

ok, so we leave soon for join 25 of our friends for dinner at the doe run inn, and to run/hike either an 8 mile loop around otter creek state park, or a 16 mile loop.....i have added extra music to my ipod shuffle,and recharged it to make sure that i am prepared for the 3 hour-tour....surely i can manage 20 minute miles and be done before noon.....of course, if it is raining.....i'm going back to the inn for breakfast and to read the paper and drink coffee by the fireplace......

sunday school project

ok, so this morning my sunday school class drove down to casey county with 2 large loads of canned goods that we collected for the galilean home...we were also able to tour rambling facilities, which includes angel house, where 21 babies are now cared for while their mothers are in prison, and blessing house, where another twenty or so handicapped adults are cared for....there are other children there, and a school.......quite an operation funded solely by donation.

imagine all the people...

ok, marks 27 years since john lennon was gunned down outside his apartment building by a crazed fan......a few of his own words to remember him by...

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Friday, December 07, 2007

6:00 news....

ok, so...there were 2 different ads for mitch mc connell during the wlex 6:00 newscast......he is not up for re-election til next year....seems a bit early to be airing ads....especially ones that make it sound like he walks on water.....with tobacco farmers....and war-mongers......

when life is un-blog-able

ok, so...this has been a tumultuous week.....and completely un-blog-able, even by my standards.....and just when i thought things could not get any worse....i find that i thought too soon.......nobody is an any legal trouble, physical danger, or doctrinal limbo......that is the good part.....but there is so much room for family misery that does not entail any of the above mentioned big ticket issues.........i can survive if i keep reminding myself that this is not about me......

Thursday, December 06, 2007

mitt is no jfk......

ok, so......i was not even in kindergarten when jfk was elected.....but i can still assure you, my gentle readers.....the mitt romney is no jfk.....and his numerous non-military sons are no caroline nor john-john......

don't cry for me......

ok, so....i worked til 9:00 on monday night, which means i need only work a single hour tomorrow to be off till monday morning....and though i could use vacation time and not go in at all....i have things to do...and wish to save my time till i really want to not come in.....and so i plan to finalize the final exam for my class tomorrow and email out a study guide...and then look at the projects that must be graded by next week....and if i was at home i wouldn't be awake to do all of i will put in my hour then come back home alert and ready to roll.....i am curious to look at the projects...or at least count them up...there are at least 2 missing...from older students who should have heeded the email that announced that projects received after today would be at reduced credit given that they are already 7 days late......gentle readers.....i do not mean to be MEAN....but these people knew the due date in august.....and it is not like this project is rocket science...i am looking forward to a series of thursdays where upon i just come on home rather than stop at eku-dville for a few hours......yeah, there is no money in coming on home.....and this extra money funds my foreign travel......but sometimes a woman likes to just come on home.....

surreal moment....

ok, my thursday county there is an 82-year old woman who brings her own seat cushion to the diabetes support group faithfully every month...for the past 3 years i've been leading the group....she dips deeper and deeper into random chatter....but today her stream-of consciousness was priceless......the group of pondering the added stress of houseguests on blood glucose control.....when my elderly friend abruptly drew her bottle of diabetes pills out of her purse, and announced to the group (eight- a decent enough crowd) that her doctor had put her on pills....and she wanted us to know that she was upset about it, because she had been able to manage her diabetes on diet ever since kathy c-dub, the dietitian up to the hospital in d-ville had put her on a diet, and she wanted everybody to know that kathy c-dub had kept her off of pills all of this which point the other ladies started twittering...and she looked me in the face and asked if i knew kathy c-dub......and the lady closest to my elderly friend turned to her and said....don't you know that this IS kathy c-dub?......and she said very quietly that i couldn't be her because kathy c-dub works up to the hospital in d-ville.......gentle readers......i suppose the joke is on me...because i have no memory of ever working with this woman who claims that i kept her off medicine for 7 years.......

from the personal ads.....

ok, so...this ad was in the new york magazine recently, according to if a rich stranger did front them the cash to buy the bigger apt?......

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

blog 4811

ok, so....this not a milestone blog.....just the 4th or 5th on this free day off......we sat and watched austin city limits...the decemberists were smoking...the female keyboardist was one point she switched off and played the accordion.......and my spouse's response was....they may be good, but they are not the shins.....yeah, well....this is true...but one must appreciate musicians who are more interested in storytelling and musical excellence than pop-ish riffs.....much as i like the shins...they remind me too much of the beach boys.....which brings me to yet another pop had a piece today about how stairway to heaven almost ruined led zeppelin.. ...i would try to describe the ins and outs of how rock critics find fault with stairway to heaven......but i have never required my rock gods to make a lick of why ask it of them at this late date....30 or more years after i was smitten......the fact that i can remember those lyrics is encouraging as my brain ages so distressingly......i turned on the news at 6:00...and there was a story about a woman with dementia who had wandered away from a lexington green restaurant at 2:30....and was finally recovered at fayette mall by the sears store......without a coat...and i was horrified to recognize her as a member of my she managed to cross traffic is anybody's guess......i felt great sympathy for her family...because my dad in his day would and out of houses in our greatest fear is that i will live long enough to be that woman who wanders out of eateries and across main thoroughfares...and no longer remember the lyrics to classic rock songs....

more about the cat.....

ok, one point this evening, the cat sat at the back door in nearly the same posture as my caped-cat avatar.....and it was a revelation.....that if i had more days at home like this i would likely turn to making cat costumes.....and that would be a tragic waste of.....not initiative...because making cat costumes takes enormous self-motivation.....but certainly a waste of the voice of reason in public tomorrow it is back to work i go....and my cat will have to make do with the coat god gave her......

my afternoon with the cat

ok, so....i woke up after my lovely 2 1/2 hour nap with the cat sleeping/purring basically op top of me......for me, a nap is a glorious thing....but for the cat it seems like business as usual.....i'm just saying......i failed to remember anything i dreamed during that nap...which is unusual, but i will chalk that up to the dental novocain......i can feel my mouth, lips and nose again.....and i am mighty hungry.....curiously, what sounds good is an omelet.....and fried potatoes...even though i had eggs and hash browns this morning at the cracker barrel....must not have had enough.....

one-sided conversation

ok, so....i am back from the dentist and will move on toward my long-awaited nap....have nothing else that i can do....under the dentist decided that now was the time to replace old fillings....and to do that meant numbing both the front and right side of my mouth.....and even now that i am home i have a hard time bringing my lips together close enough to sip tea.....and when i called my spouse from the dentist's parking lot to tell him that i was not going to switch out my car for his truck to go get a christmas tree, i could hardly annunciate words clearly when lips were involved....but i digress from the dentist himself.....who decided at this particular dental appointment to recall events he had attended at the restaurant i once owned....and to talk at great lengths about how the newest in a series of new owners have run the business into the ground.....gentle readers......the last thing i needed, given my numb nose and lips, and jaw, was to have to sit and listen to things i try very hard not to dwell upon........

play day.....

ok, so today is our annual free day off....well...almost free.....we meet at 9:30 am at cracker barrel for breakfast, and then we can do with the day what we wish.....most are going shopping...i plan to buy a christmas tree either before or after i go to the dentist.....i also hope to take a nap.....with only one person to shop for, and that shopping nearly done......i see no reason to shop when i could sleep.......

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

unspoken needs......

ok my sunday school class...there is an understood prayer for those who have unspoken needs.......and gentle readers....i need those prayers this day.......


ok, so this from one of my favorite gossip blogs.....christian groups are calling for a boycott of Nicole Kidman’s new film, The Golden Compass.

The movie is based on the book The Northern Lights by British author Philip Pullman, which is anti-religious and against organized faith.

Even though filmmakers are claiming any anti-Christian undertones have been removed from the movie, the Catholic League and others are worried that kids will be inspired to buy the book and are urging parents to keep them away from it.

seriously, gentle'd have thought that these groups learned their lesson with H.Potter.....telling folks not to read a book or see a movie guarantees that everybody who can be wheel-chaired in will go see the film......i had no interest in that movie until the call came to boycott...and now wild horses couldn't keep me away.....

cold, cold, cold.....

ok, so i impetuously agreed to do an 8 mile race/hike at otter creek in louisville on sunday.....all i have heard since my spouse and friends did this event last december was just how beautiful it was to stand on the overlook above the ohio river......what i neglected to consider was that the weather could be just outrageous....and that the event would be less than precise......i got an email yesterday......done without spell check....that mentions directions as vague as turn left at the blue hole.......and follow the gravel road for 1 MM has the potential to be both cold and lost on sunday morning.......yikes.....what one does for peer approval......the 26 peers who will gather at the old country inn for dinner on hates to be the only person who will watch and not participate.....

Monday, December 03, 2007

what is in a name.....

ok, so...i have read the nytimes article about fewer brides keeping their own names with sadness.......the notion that devotion in marriage begins with taking the spouse's name...when did this happen....that folks simply decided that keeping one's name, or hyphenating.....or going for door #3 was less of an option than just taking the spouse's name...for better or worse.....i will admit to submitting a comment to the nytimes regarding this dismal reality.....the people i admire most in this life had the courage to keep the name their parents gave them......rather than pretend to be somebody else for the rest of their years......and i want to note that i am so very proud of my offspring for being such good sports about the hyphen......our aim was to empower you, not to embarrass or befuddle you......

my audit....

ok, so...i had an auditor in today.....and all will say about this experience is 1) i worried for nothing and 2) these folks don't audit what i would audit 3) i did not disclose thought #1 or #2 to the auditor.....and now all i have to worry about is the rumored resignation of my director which point all refuse will hit many fans......and i will wish for a moment or two that i was back catering for a living....well...just for a moment.....

fake tales of new york city....

ok, so this evening was my 3rd county diabetes support group...and given the date....we had our annual holiday recipe exchange and tasting party......gentle readers...this event tests my very soul, as most folks bring some recipe/dish to taste that involves gelatin/coolwhip or both.....omg....and these are not foods that i can tolerate sober......there was something orange and 3 somethings that were red......and then a cole sale recipe that used artificial sweetener....and a sugar free pie that had coolwhip on the top......the fellow who made this sent the rest home for my husband.......who will eat anything sweet......but i digress from the my point.....the two sisters who come regularly who are not actually diabetic were there, and did not bring a dish or a recipe to share.....but still felt the need to tell tales of when the shorter and heavier of the two used to live in new york city.....and how she would go to radio city music hall....and how she stopped two children running toward the elevator in macy's children's department by grabbing them by their collars...only to discover they were dwarfs......and you might ask just what the hell this had to do with christmas/holiday recipes and maintaining one's blood glucose during the holiday season......i have yet to figure out how to ask these folks gracefully just why them come to our group so little they have to say is helpful.......

a good night's sleep.....

ok, so....i was in bed by 9:15.....and slept all is the kind of night i should have every single night......i feel less old this morning.....

Sunday, December 02, 2007


ok, so The Ohio State University will play L.S.U. on January 7 for the national title.....that is all i'm saying......

a very special sufjan christmas.....

ok, so...yesterday i was searching for something unrelated in my room, and i came across the set of sufjan's christmas music that i received last idea why the box set was not with the other cd's.....but i did take the opportunity to insert several of the cd's into the car's 6-slot cd player.....curious, in that the cd';s seem to include only 5-6 songs per cd.....i believe that it could all of been done with a double cd rather than a box.....but that would have messed up his peace, love, joy and hope theme....all well.....i do so like how he sings christmas.....

back to the bcs.....

ok, so this from the columbu dispatch.....Ohio State players jumped for joy last night, yelling as yet another higher-ranked team lost and gave the Buckeyes a spot in the national championship game.

About 75 Buckeyes players and most of the coaching staff gathered in the Woody Hayes Athletic Center to watch top-ranked Missouri meet Oklahoma and No. 2 West Virginia play Pittsburgh.

When Pittsburgh finished off its shocking 13-9 upset, the party began.

"Everybody was going crazy," fullback Tyler Whaley said. "Coach (Jim) Tressel got a little smile on his face. He wasn't jumping around, he didn't show us his vertical (leap), but I've been around him enough to know he was a happy man."

Ohio State is likely headed for its third national title game appearance in six years. On Jan. 7 in New Orleans, No. 3 Ohio State (11-1) should get a chance at redemption for an embarrassing loss to Florida in last year's championship game.

MM notes:....the web page was topped by a counter.....the number of days since michigan beat is now up to 1471......MM's own MM contends that OSU would rather go to the Rose Bowl, and has no interest in the BSC.....doesn't look that way now that they are in......

Saturday, December 01, 2007

from the onion....

ok, so this from the ain't true, in this case...but it is very funny...


ok, so......i almost wish i'd been at woodstock to have heard this firsthand.......i just love crosby, stills and nash......if you listen til the end....steven stills tells the crowd that that concert was only the second time they'd ever sung together in somehow, with the links and connections...i found the video to bob dylan's subterranean homesick blues...the one with the bob and the cards with the lyrics...and the poet allen ginsberg in the backround....and if you are this far into it all you might enjoy the weird al's take on bob in the alley....and then...there was a video of dylan doing forever young on letterman in 1993....he seemed to make up the tune as he went along but at least he remembered the words.....i would like the lyrics read to my children at my funeral, by the what ever late date that might be......but i digress from music videos....i will end this piece with james taylor covering joni mitchell's river at a tribute event......the song seems right with the season.....

Nessun Dorma

ok, so.....last night we sat and watched a program about great grammy moments of grammy's first 50 years.....which turned out to be pretty entertaining.....the first 'moment' was one that we missed 1998 Luciano Pavarotti had rehearsed the aria nessum dorma with full orchestra and choir.....and just before the show was to air live, he was unable to perform.....and it occurred to somebody that aretha frankklin, on hand to present an award, has actually sung that aria at a charity event....and with no rehearsal she sang this italian piece on live has several version of of the other fine performances included a tribute to joe strummer that included elvis costello, dave grohl, stevie van zandt and bruce springsteen.....they sang london calling doulbe wow.....and my personal favorite- melissa etheridge/joss stone tribute to janis joplin piece of my heart......triple wow...melissa had recently finished her chemo for breast cancer and her bald head and the words to the song sent chills down one's spine.....


ok, so.....finally home from the shopping excursion....traffic to and inside of the mall complex was atrocious...this mall is made up of clusters of varying sized strips of stores as well as big boxes.... and though one can see one
s destination, the getting there through the maze of drives and tree/berm divided parking sections is maddening....the buying if the television itself took no time at all...thankfully.....and we did stop at marshall's....where i treated myself to 2 packages of lovely dishtowels, and i have bagged up the old ones to send with my spouse to his shop to be used as rags...when dishtowels get to a certain point,drastic measures are was nice to have lunch with the eldest appreciates one's children so much more after they leave home, because one sees them so rarely and one must savor every moment one can manage to spend with them.....

Friday, November 30, 2007

speaking of havarti-sesame bites

ok, so.....i fully admit that these little treasures taste just as good frozen out of the box i was to send to paris, as they do warm and toasty....and that they taste even better with a bit of havarti melted on top of each little bite.....and while i know that this is no way to keep off the 5 pounds i have lost....this discovery has made me very, very happy......


ok, so.....i enjoyed a marvelous afternoon off.....starting with the h-burg goodwill, where i found 4 tops (size small), a fleecy pullover (also a size small), 3 pairs of jeans (size 6), and some really heavy brass bookends-horses- that my daughter will just love.....that is one-stop xmas shopping.....on to the big lots where i found really nice metal tins for sending savory havarti and sesame bits overseas....and on to the d-ville goodwill, where there was nothing to be had.....the kroger, and then to the aldi's.....and it was in transit from kroger to aldi that it almost happened...not to me...but to the crazy woman in a black honda similar to mine who pulled out of the kroger lot after me...who was so close to my bumper i could see her face....and when i stopped at the bypass light (yellow), she actually came around me and went through the light (red)...just as the folks in the oncoming lane were starting to move ahead...and a red car almost clipped her back bumper....and i gasped aloud...because had the red car taken a jump on the light there would have been quite a crash.....the second gasp came after aldi, as i was making my way to the bike shop up 3rd street, by the hospital and then the church and then the bank, when a big-ass pickup truck stopped dead, and then proceeded to parallel park to the left....into a spot the looked to be too small.....this guy made it look simple after he failed to hit either the car in front or the car behind.....i am surprised i could gasp, because of the shock and awe..........and now i am home safe and sound...and with a list of small task to do before tomorrow, when i am informed i will drive my mother to lexington to buy a digital h/d television....which will be a gift from my brother....we are to drive over to hamburg place....gentle readers...i would rather take a beating than to drive to hamburg place at xmas time.....but after all is said and done we will eat lunch lobster......with the eldest child so we can deliver the package.....good thing i did goodwills today....because i might not be on the mood for more than 2 or so after driving to hamburg.....double gasp.....

another friday.....

ok, we are at another weekend.....i have the mundane to take care shopping and a trip to lex tomorrow to take the eldest to lunch and to deliver a package that came to the house in his name.....must make the rounds of goodwills on the way because not to do so would be a sacrilege....there is a dinner after church that i do not plan to attend....and then all the sudden it will be sunday night and back to work on monday.....friday's promise so quickly fades into sunday evening.....

Thursday, November 29, 2007

old trees, old trees....

ok, so i especially enjoyed this piece from today's nytimes about an exhibit of the photographs of especially old trees...such as a tree that was just a sapling at the battle of Antietam Creek in what a long-lived tree......kinda like the tree i photographed outside st julien-le-pauvre in paris......which looked as old as the church.......

ok, so

ok, so.....only about half of my students showed up for lecture this evening....most likely because the project was due.....and so i decided to give bonus points tho those who turned it in on time.....and bonus points to those who showed up for class......yeah....not the way they would do things at princeton......but eku-d is a far cry from the ivy league......given that one of my students ate carryout macaroni and cheese from the cracker barrel while i talked......who gets carryout mac and cheese? more lecture left before the test...the one on aging and dying...and the one that traditionally gets the most discussion.....and then the exam and then we are done...until i get started up again in mid-january.......not thinking about much of a spring break trip because i am hoping that we can all go to austria to see child #1 next year during the holidays.....and so i am saving my pennies just in case.....nice that i will have another 2 semesters to earn that kind of cash.....this evening i was not the picture of health.....i am still plagued by jaw pain.....and i appear to look as bad as i feel...pain tends to age one, don't ya think?.......and so i am going to take a nice long bath and go to bed early and try to regain my youth......

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

under-acheivement as a strength

ok, so... i have a friend who is an that i think of it......i can think of at last 3 folks i know well who have not risen to the level that their talent predicted....and one wonders how one can stir on someone who has settled in.....the person i think most about is a close friend at work...who is smarter than anybody on-site....makes it all run...and gets paid pennies compared to nurses who do little and complain their day fair is that?...not fair at all...but that is the way things are...and until my friend gets off her bottom and goes back to college she will continue to be the unsung hero and get paid little for her trouble.....but she has 2 children under age 8...and she is too blessed tired to go back to school...and in my mind it is a tragedy......on the other of the nurses i work with in lincoln is going back to school to be a nurse practitioner...she will get her b.s....most nurses have only a 2 year degree.....and then to the classes required by this specialty...and she will make the big bucks if she can stick it out...she has 3 children under 10...but her spouse us vested in her choice and picks up the can be done......

book club....

ok, so we had a record crowd at book discuss the namesake......quite a feat for a group that included no one less than 2 generations from immigration.......we talked briefly about the naming part.....and then about the gogol part...nobody had read the original short story...i know that we own it...but could not locate it in our vast shelving arrangement.....(gentle readers....we own enough books to cause gravity to drag our home down the hill into the lake....)...and mostly we talked of the immigrant experience and how hard it is to shake one's past even when one desires to do so.....the closest experience is my grandfather broughton telling me as he was dying that his mothe tolkd him he could either speak german, or speak english and be an american....what choice did he have?.......easy for us who don't look foreign to say......

so old, so cold.....

ok, so...the temperature was 34 degrees as i slid outside to get the newspaper while the coffee brewed.....the high may hit the fifties, but this 34 degree stuff has already gotten old.....we have gone european, with a twin-size down duvet sitting on top of our green duvet, which covers a blanket rather than the old down comforter.....which is so heavy as to be unwieldy.....this twin down thing was in a closet, and is very light and easy to kick off if one gets too hot.....ah, the joys of menopause.....must be ready for the entire range of temps.....though when we put on the flannel sheets the bed will transform into near-womb conditions....i might not be able to drag myself out of bed for the duration......

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

screaming children.....

ok, was remarkable for the number and shear seismic splendor of screaming children......the highlight was a child of 3 who stood and screamed in the lobby...just stood and screamed...blood-curdling screams....while his mother registered.....people stared at the sight, given that his mother was no further than 10 feet away....and he appeared to be in no visible distress.....and the screaming kept up as i ushered them into my clinic room....and at some point the screaming became comical...given that his mother appeared to ignore this continued outburst.......and i actually laughed at this which point he stood stunned....and appeared to wonder how i could find his 'pain' so he was leaving one of my coworkers remarked...'that child ain't right'......true, and a parent who has done nothing to fix this problem ain't right either.....


ok,s o the part i failed to mention yesterday when i got home from the dentist was how, in my time in the chair, with my mouth open and dentist droned on in a litany about his son's recent screw-ups.....gentle readers.....i have known this fellow's son since he was 3.....and i find him to be a likable guy...and i have no need to hear about what he has done wrong this week....especially given that he is in graduate school and making his own way in the world.......what else could a parent ask for?.....


ok, so that they tooth on my bottom right has been right jaw is still in incredible pain.....hopefully with a day or two of chewing correctly will bring these poor jaws back into alignment and we shall be able to put an end to all references to physical discomfort.......

Monday, November 26, 2007


ok, so...the best part of the afternoon....the absolute best part....was the waiting in the waiting room with piles of magazines that i could leaf through......i make no illusion of reading any of the entertainment weekly, time, metropolitan home or gourmet of fairly recent is quite enough to skim the headlines, look at a few charts, smell the perfume ads.......and mostly move on.....i did enjoy a review of the deathly hallows.....written well after the book was released, so that every detail not available to those who reviewed it sight-unseen (just to say if was reviewed) could be thoroughly rehashed.....written by a true harry-fanatic.....probably my age....he declared that it was after the 4th book that rowling figured out that her audience was as much adult as anything...and began to gear her prose toward an ever aging the point that the use of the word bitch in the final installment was appropriate rather than shocking.....i's have said the same thing under the circumstances.....this article was a full 3 pages long...not a bad total for the 10 or so magazines i actually touched during my this point the only magazine i receive weekly is the new yorker....and while i savor every word, and do not miss having to schlep out the stacks of old magazines from time to time...i do enjoy those times when i have nothing better to do than to turn pages.

the good news and the good news....

ok, so.....i have been at the dentist for the past 2.5 hours....and although i cannot feel my tongue, close my lips completely around the edge of a glass.....i feel that the tragedy has come off better than expected....the gold crown could not be replaced because the tooth actually broke beneath it.....BUT the dentist was able to fill the place with amalgam unavailable when this crown was this as on the dentist told me that these are onlays not crowns...who knew.... and so....i got to keep the hunk of gold that came out of my mouth, and i now have a passable white filling.....and my insurance covered most of it.....which meant that my bill at the end was so surprisingly low that i almost started to argue the point.....but back to the gold....i now have quite a stash of old gold....from my original engagement ring that had to be replaced when i wore through the back with years of some point i might be able to use this used gold to have the citrine stone i bought awhile back set...hadn't even considered doing it while gold was at an all-time high...but if i have enough gold of my own i might be able to pull it off.....maybe if i lose another onlay.....just joking.....i'm babying what is left of these onlays......

rude awakening.....

ok, so it is thanksgiving monday.....and despite having swollen gums, and an achy jaw....i must get myself together to go back to work...... where i have just 5 work days to get ready for an audit, and just 8 days to wait for my boss to resign (as rumored)...and so there is doom in my mouth, and doom at my workplace....and rain and the possibility of thunder storms outside....and i could use some help finding a silver lining......maybe the world will seem improved after the dentist today at 2......

Sunday, November 25, 2007

beginning to bake.....

ok, so...i made 2 kinds of savory crackers this afternoon, with the intention of packing them carefully enough to make it safely to paris-based festivities......i remade the havarti-sesame crackers......a bit more pink this time with extra hot sauce.....yummy....and a walnut-blue cheese crackers....which could have used a bit of idea how one transports such food items abroad, other than i do not intend to use metal tins, which may get everybody in security all in a ruckus......maybe just cardboard lidded boxes with lots of tissue.......anyway, these little nibbles will go well with wine and cheese......and at this moment the batches are tucked carefully into the freezer so i will not nibble them all ahead of time.....

suffering in silence....

ok,so by the time i got to sunday school, the notion of dwelling on my teeth was swept away by tales of actual woe...people who had lost loved ones or had a family illness or other pressing emetgemcies seemed more important topics of discussion than people who lost dental work.......just as it should be......

sunday school....

ok, so i teach sunday school this morning, and eventually i better move on from blogging to studying the text and making a few notes......the passage is the classic one where j.c. replied to his critics something about giving to caeser what is caesar's, and giving to god what is god's........j.c.'s comment was a crafty way to answer a factional question, in an age when there were many factions .....little has changed in the middle east it would seem.....but i suppose what i find most chilling in this text is how much it reminds me of what is happening at work...where factions have been at work for months and months pushing an agenda that is ridiculous on many levels....and now the rumor is that the director will quit, as many have hoped and that we will get a new director who will be present at all times......who in their right mind wants a boss who is always there?.....these folks have obviously never had a looking-over-your shoulder is something to be avoided, actually......and since we have shared a director with a sister health department.....there are those who do not quite understand that we cannot just take a part-time position and hire the replacement fulltime without adjusting down expenses somewhere....most of the time expenses are downwardly adjusted by laying off staff...gentle readers, my soon-to-quit boss is not someone that i am comparing to j.c......though i must add that he has never done me a bad turn and that is why i have gone out of my way to stay out of the factional business.........yet i do feel that these factions have the potential to make my professional life miserable for months to come.....and with this aching jaw and swollen gums and crumbling dental work i have no use for discord at work......

all afoul......

ok, so....i woke up this morning with my sinuses clogged, by jaw in pain, and my gums swollen......clearly i clenched what is left of my teeth during my time asleep......and must continue on as is for nearly 48 hours til the dental appointment......this focus on my health has become annoying at best......distracting at worst.......because i seem to be unable able to concentrate on anything but my head......even as i lay in the bed listening to a piece about alice seibold on the bbc, i had difficulty getting beyond my personal discomfort.....beyond the possibility that pain and aches are the new reality......seibold's new book is about pain and aches and growing older and more feeble/fragile, at some level.....and at some level it was hard to listen to the gist of her newest book's plot.....i don't want to read about stark reality at this point....i want to lose myself in the fantasy of the prose....or at least immerse myself in a story where nobody feels mean and old.....

Saturday, November 24, 2007

the address.....

ok, mother arrived this evening with the address in lassee, austria of her cousin gertrude...or more likely, the address of gertrude's son gunther, who is also a doctor(dentist?) and was talking of switching houses with her and her husband (dentist) when mother and dad visited there years ago.....gentle readers....i have made it quite open and clear that my children would be visiting the vienna area for quite sometime...and this address has just now materialized......hopefully my children can make contact...with these folks who are closer kin than the folks we visited in mother remembers sending her old clothing to gertrude and her sister elizabeth....we visited elizabeth and her family in hanau in 1972...and mother and dad visited gertrude and her family in lassee sometime after i left home in idea when it was that they were in vienna...but i digress.....she has had this address and is just now passing it on.......


ok, so the dentist office called...they can work me in monday at 2:00 pm.....they were in today, but didn't seem in a mood to negotiate about an appointment today.....

another day off

ok, so.....having peaked yesterday, i seem to have no immediate goals on this day off.....yeah, there are the standard go through all closets and drawers to find stuff to give to goodwill.....the german scholar will be going back to lexington today.....and so even the prospect of figuring out what to make for supper has lost its appeal.....if i am lucky he will take part of that pineapple kuchen with him so there will be less left for me...i am down a few pounds and must be on my guard lest they find their way back to my waist.....such is the season when all of the outside seems off-limits....nothing especially pressing in any of the beds on this 20 degree morning.....there is ice on the pond...and robins have been edging out on it carefully as they look for a place to get a drink of water.......this must be what robins do on their days decision anxiety...lucky them.....

Friday, November 23, 2007

mm's friday five.......

ok, top five accomplishments of the day......1) sorted out the closet nearest the computer; discovered forgotten wrapping paper and gift bags 2) made pineapple kuchen; discovered from visiting german scholar that kuchen means 'to cook' and does not refer to a baked good as i have always thought 3) got dressed;brought in mail 4) felt sorry for myself and my mouth; overate trying to find foods that can be chewed on the right side only 5) updated facebook; learned how to do facebook; discovered that 2 of 3 children blocked me before i even knew what to do with facebook...oh, yeah....i did watch ellen while i knitted quietly on the sofa....there was a segment in which grown women contorted themselves to fit through a cut-out shape in a wall coming toward them slowly.....sadly, it was very funny to watch these grown women go to such lengths for a $5000 gift is a good thing i am not home during the day very often......i could vegetate.....and my mind turn to mush......

the damned tooth.....

ok, so i tried to glue the crown back on with this dental kit i found at the cvs.....but now my jaw is swelled enough that it no longer fits well.....and i found it more painful to have it back in than it was to have it out...and so i filled in the gap with this putty stuff until monday when i can really see a dentist.....

blocked by yet another cool-kid

ok, i sat at the main pc updating my facebook page, an ungrateful cool-kid sat in the next room, and through the power of wi-fi.....blocked me from his facebook least the third cool-kid in this family has actually responded to a message i left on her page......or at least she has yet to figure out this rude blocking thing

time on my hands.....

ok, so...i clearly have better things to do when i go to the trouble of updating the facebook account i only started when my outlaw fred asked me to join his network......i am certainly too old to act like a cool-kid...but it is kinda like rubbernecking at an accident.....once you get started it is hard to pull away....and then to find that i have actually been blocked by one of the cool-kids......and that i cannot block this person in return because he has already blocked that? least typing has taken my of the gold crown that continues to sit detached from my mouth...on the gold-rod colored sticky dentists to be found today......and it would require getting dressed to go to town to buy some sort of dentistry emergency kit that some pharmacies are reputed to have on hand......or so say some of the googled sites for dental emergencies.....much to easy to sit here at the p.c. feeling sorry for myself and for my tooth...actually teeth...for it was in the trying to get close to the part of a front filling that was loose that the crown came out......gentle readers.....keep up with your flossing and brushing so as to not get into this predicament.....

Thursday, November 22, 2007

no super-glue....

ok, so in the course of the family gathering....a gold crown that has been in place for over 26 years came loose and then came out.....and is now resting on a pad of golden-rod post-it-notes on the desktop so as not to be lost......i miss this dental fitting mostly because without it my tongue dwells in its place.....and food gets stuck in its place.....and in less than a day i am really annoyed at this loss......

happy thanksgiving.....

ok, so.....the four-day thanksgiving weekend pretty much makes up for having to work on columbus day....and with the driving part up front....i'll still have three days to lounge about...the real definition of a great long weekend is the nap...whether one was able to squeeze in a nap...and if i can manage a nap on friday afternoon that still leaves saturday and sunday to do mundane stuff like clean out closets and take stuff to the is not on my radar...especially since nobody i love needs much of anything......and those who have needs will be taken care of when the timing is right.....and not because they need a box to open on a day in late far we have come from christmases with little ones......who would dance about in their eagerness to open gifts......ah the grocery yesterday the muzak was christmas carols.....way too early for me.....for those who do not have the day off....who have schoolwork to do and classes to attend...please know that we are thinking of you, and really wish you were here with us......

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

making a list.....

ok, so.....we do not leave out of here until around 9......but there are things i really need to make so that i can be leisure-girl in the make stuffing for 15, and cut up vegetables......and yeah...i do have to make supper too.....i did stop at the kroger on the way home to pick up one more bag of stuffing mix...and ended up spending nearly $ does that happen...go in for 1 item and fill up the cart.....for starts....kroger had clementines....5 lb for $6.99......for which i had a coupon to take of $1.50....and that was got it all started...once i broke out the coupons i felt the need to use all i had.......the good news is that the 7 bags of groceries cost less than a modest meal for 3 in paris

trying to get out.....

ok, my dreams i was in a yellow basement, that had been recently evacuated by friends of ours who have recently bought a home without a basement....seems in my dream sequence they took only what they wanted and left the rest....and what i wanted was part, not all, of a piece of mint green and pink seersucker fabric.....which i never managed to acquire in this dream......i have never been in the basement, by the way...and have no idea that it is painted a heinous shade of yellow.....

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

a pleasant conversation

ok, so...i enjoyed a pleasant conversation with my only sibling on the phone this evening because we opted not to talk about 1) politics 2) religion or 3) money......and had we stayed away from talking about our only remaining parent...we'd have had a perfect little chat.....