Saturday, December 29, 2007

great day for the goodwill

ok, so...i took our guest and our daughter on a tour of my favorite goodwills this well as to j.beth....i cannot resist the temptation of half-off christmas cards.....and spruce-scented candles it would appear......but i digress from the goodwill experience...a stellar that could only have been made perfect by the finding of something hermes.....a dream day that has not yet happened but keeps me going........i found a high-end name silk my size that retailed for more than i spent in 2 stores on 3 people....and this includes a baby blue banana republic blouse, a matching leather purse that resembles like a berkin bag ($5.50).....a pair of brown jones new york cords, and a silk foulard scarf to wear with my black heirloom coat......also a find at $1.75.....i did purchase clothing for our guest, at her request, suitable for going to church...khakis, a black t and a black linen go with borrowed actually looks rather elegant.....and she agreed because her horoscope told her not to make decisions without consulting a person with good taste......i kid you not.......i must add that my jaw throbbed during the entire outing....a situation that will be remedied on wednesday when my new deductible for prescriptions kicks in and my $81 sinus potion will be only $20.......i know that enduring pain is foolish for a savings of only $61.....but principle is that i am home and have taken a few pain relievers and held a hot compress to my sinuses seem to have cleared a bit and my teeth are no chanting 'cheap, cheap,cheap'......... my daughter is peeved because i skipped out of lunch in cannot eat when one is in misery....and now that we are back home she and our guest have taken off for parts.....known......but away from here......3 more days.....we can do this......

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