Tuesday, December 18, 2007

dazed and confused....

ok, so....i slept so soundly that i never heard my spouse leave to run, and when the alarm went off (which in our case means when NPR came on)...the blaring words caught me off guard and i was for a moment dazed and confused.....i get up the same way every day.....a few minutes to lay back down and listen to the headlines, maybe the first 3 minute story if it is about something other than blood and guts....then on downstairs to make coffee, then out to the road to get the newspaper while the coffee brews....and then on to the p.c. to check to see if any emails are from .fr........all this takes under 10 minutes......and is repeated even on days when i do not have to go to work.....the timetable if not the actual timeframe....what can one say about a life governed by coffee and media?.....

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