Sunday, March 28, 2010


ok, so......i have unloaded 3 scoops of mulch in the past 8 days onto my weeded beds.....or mostly weeded....after a while one figures out how to smother the finer of the wild onions with mulch rather than taking the trouble to yank them out......i also dug out yet another section of daylilies and random perennials to make way for a line of shrubberies the variety yet to be determined....the phlox i transplanted...the daylilies are in the compost aim is go for more year-round interest, especially along the fence......thinking of boxwood, but then i already have oodles of boxwood....i have plenty of time to worry over the particulars when i get back from my trip.....maybe the gardens in vienna will be inspirational....after lunch today i took to pruning the city of york trellis rose.....lots of dead wood to cut away.....thankfully the rain came again just as o managed to cut away a length that was only mostly dead....yikes...i felt sick as i tossed the greening strand onto the pile....i did a practice packing run today as well.....pruning away this and that until i have only the really useful clothing in the carryon.....of course, the really useful clothing are the things i wear most days......and now that they are carefully arranged in the bag i will attempt to finish out the week wearing my least favorite is complicated, yes?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

mulch and mayhem....

ok, so.....i took my mother to lunch at the red lobster in lexington today, before stops at j.beth to purchase a travel journal and tuesday morning.....and then home again....whereupon i traded out my car in her driveway for the truck...and drove over to h-burg where one can stil purchase bulk mulch....and a topiary alberta spruce that is delightfully twisted....the spruce is now in a pot on my newest terrace....the spread over the spots closest to the truck......i calculate the need for at least 3 more truck-loads of mulch before the critical beds are done.....thankfully the whirlpool bathtub is there to negate any pain and suffering.....

Saturday, March 06, 2010

another sandwich generation installment......

ok, so.....i tried to call my mother this morning, only to hear from the recorded message that her phone number had been temporarily disconnected.....and so i stomped up the street clutching my cell phone with the intention of finding the unpaid bill and getting her service re-upped.....and what i found was piles of mail beside each of her sitting well as beside her bed and on her desk....and on the round table in the back room.....actual bills mixed in with scads and scads of solicitations to charities i have never heard of......and by the time the dust settled she had paid the 9 real bills and i had tossed three bags of junk mail.....i know that my mother gives to many of these groups through loyalty to my late father.....the Parkinson's people, the Alzheimer's people, numerous veterans groups and the heart association....the list goes on and on.....but it is also clear that she has gotten on so many lists that even the better groups seem like vultures........ah well....she is caught up for now and i must find a way to keep her that way.....

vivid details

ok, so.....i dreamed last that i was working again at the hospital, somehow attched to the kitchen, andf i was meeting with kithcen managers in an office with 2 doors that empited out into the same hallway. The first door opened into a tiny area just big enough for three people to sit with their backs to the wall and their knees to the low counter......the remainder of the office was essentially emty behind the counter....except for the boss who sat on the other side of the counter....i asked why we were squished into the smaller side of the room, and i was ignored......there were candy bowls on the counter.....wrapped cinnamon hard-candy but no little red-hots....and i clutched my belongings (purse, cell phone, coat) and asked if i was to have a desk and a place to hang my coat, and i was ignored....and handed a printout for doing inventory of the storeroom, but no pen, and when i asked for a pen i was ignored....another curious detail is that i do not remember smelling any cooking aromas.....and i asked why nobody was cooking for the next meal.....and was ignored.....

Thursday, March 04, 2010

in the zone.....

ok, my favorite places to be emotionally is in the travel-planning mode....whereupon all options are available for lining up sites to see and places to eat once the plane ticket has been purchased and sleeping arrangements made......this time around i have also added some serious clothing purchasing to the mix.....a chili pepper red nylon rain coat with hidable hood and zippered and snapped pockets as well as a black vest that has zippered pockets inside and out.....and to make sure the ensembles all matched i invested in a chili pepper red sweater set and a few classic longsleeve tshirts in white and black....oh yeah....and european-style long scarf to wrap and drape casually......i suppose with enough time i could have assembled the same sort of travel garb through the area goodwills.......but it was ever so much more fun to buy it all to match and to fit perfectly.....

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

senile senator

ok, so i took the time to contact senator bunning yesterday, about his foul language on the senate floor,m hius rude hand gestures and his blockage of the extension of unemployment benefits, citing deficit spending....seems in his dotage he has forgotten that he voted for 2 wars, medicare drug benefits and a host of pork projects,,,with deficit spending.....