Tuesday, August 30, 2011

wasted day

ok, so.....i was up all night and gave in to temptation to call in sick, given that even the smell of brewing coffee added to my nausea...when i cannot sit in the computer chair to play my word games then it really is time to go back to bed. I finally dragged myself downstairs the second time around 10:30 am and decided that it was best to go right back up and strip the bed, gather anything i had worn or touch and run a load of laundry as a public health precaution....since nobody else seemed to be sick, then this illness was more likely to be a virus rather than food poisoning....ah well....i lazed about watching netflix on the ipad while playing word games on my iphone.....progressing from strawberry frozen fruit bars to potato soup to pasta by the end of the day....mostly it was a day wasted.....i could not imagine dragging myself out to the garden, nor sitting up to sort through closets or drawers....i suppose that is the purpose of a true 'sick' day...to be so sick that not only should one not attempt the trip to work, but one cannot do housework while off at home....