Monday, December 24, 2007

the winter solstice....

ok, so in all of the to-do getting my eldest to the airport....which ended up not being a big deal because in lexington there was no line for delta, and no line for security...but then if i had not rushed to get there he would have had to wait.....mothers just know these things....we did make a stop at j.beth to buy him a moleskine journal, and the display was vastly depleted, and all that was there were packs of three thinner journals.....and the line had 50+ winding back toward the cafe.......but i darted down the escalator to the children's department and waited only 5 minutes in back of 2, but i digress......after my darling boy disappeared past the security station towards his gate.....i opted to go on home rather than to take the chance that all stores had 50+ in lines, and no alternative cash register downstairs....we (the collective we.....) decided to break out the movies purchased for christmas as family gifts......we watched the bourne ultimatum first.....a marvelous thriller that was better than the first two of the series.......and then after supper we watched the last of the pirates of the carribean, which was every bit as bad as i remembered brother described it as fit for the rubbish bin.....we still have harry potter to watch, though i shall put it last as my spouse and i watched it not only in the theatre, but also going to and from paris in november.....and ocean's daughter asked for the entire gilmore girls' 7 seasons on dvd......didn't spring for all 7, but purchased enough to keep her busy until school starts...but i frankly i do not see our remaining kin huddled around the set watching these daughter will be miffed that i did not purchased the last die hard movie.....nor spiderman's latest.....there were several movies i declined to buy......but i digress.....another scrabble evening would have been a better way to spend an evening than the pirates movie......speaking of spending an evening.....i kept waking up in time to worry about just where my boy was in the scheme of things in the air?.....on the ground waiting in the immigration line?.....on the rer train into town?.....heading toward the louvre? word so far.......but having scoured the newswires for any mention of aviation disaster i must conclude that my overnight vigilance kept the plane aloft.......

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