Saturday, November 09, 2002
ok, so i ran into a person i wish i knew better outside the library- she asked me if i was pleased about the election, and i charged into a diatribe about i wished that gatewood had beaten e.f. and how i wish lois had beaten whatshisname and how i wished that i could have voted for school board.....and she told me that she had mistakenly voted straight democratic ticket (there is a button for this) and therefore missed out ont he chance to vote for gatewood. she said that she gets more and more liberal as she gets older and that she is from a republican family and sees them get more conservative as the years pass.....i started laughing, because she could be me when it comes to her politics-it was refreshing to know that i am not out there on a limb all by myself- there are others who have similar views...... of ocurse, i think she really wanted to talk about wet/dry- but i no longer discuss that issue- there is too much work and anxiety involved when it ocmes to liquour l.