Tuesday, April 20, 2004

a brief treatise on aging

ok, so the plethora of new grey hairs that plagued my spring break trip seem to have receded (no pun intended)....and i appear to back to the usual hair color...who knew that driving 2000 miles would turn a few hairs grey? since this episode i have been more attune to hair color/growing out of hair color............and frankly, it does not appear to be useful in the long run to color grey............so many women i have noticed do not quite keep up with this covering of grey, and therefore look worse than they might have looked...........i am amused to read on line that there is a group offering a 'voice' lift to those who feel that the aging process has somehow affected voice quality..............hahahaha........should my voice sound too old to certain listeners..........there are many hand gestures that speak volumes with a meaning that remains ageless.............

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