Sunday, January 28, 2007


ok, so we have just returned from the farm..just before the snow started to fall in earnest....and while both of us are chilled to the bone, i at least had the sense to wear a coat and gloves.....the farm in question is about 2 miles from here.....a spread owned by some longterm neighbors.....they have horses (mostly unridable...)cattle, chickens, and both a dog and a cat......our daughter feeds and waters whiles our neighbors are away......which means that a parent must somehow get here over there, and back......this morning was my turn....when the dates came up she was also asked about some future needs, including several midweek rather than weekend days......gentle readers.......the notion that my child will somehow leap from her bed 45 minutes early on a school day to 'run by the farm' on her way into town is laughable, and i graciously declined this opportunity on her behalf...or rather on my behalf...the notion that i will leap from my bed early just to run by the farm is equally laughable.....especially since the wife of the couple in question will not actually be out of town....she just didn't relish the notion of leaping out of bed 45 minutes early on a work is days like these when i am relieved that 1) we don't own a farm 2)we don't own horses 3) the evening feed is not my turn..........

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