Thursday, August 06, 2009

red cadillac with the windows down...

ok, so in my dreams i was in my aunt and uncle's original house near cleveland...the one on carpenter road....and i set my purse and keys down on the floor just inside their front door.....and i was with a woman who is taking my class....and we walked down the hall to tell those gathered watching televison in a very small bedroom that we were leaving to go to class....and my purse was gone- but the keys were there...and we saw 2 small small children running across the lawn with the purse, and one child dove into the open window of a red cadillac driven by another child..and i was able to grab the second child by the arm..and hold on tight.....and my aunt announced that those were neighborhood kids.....and i marched over to the neighbor's house with my 'hostage' child...and demanded that the mother hand over my purse for the child......and i kept looking at my watch because i was supposed to start my class in 20 minutes.....and that is all i remember, except for worrying that i would be charged with kidnapping the accomplice to the theft of my purse....

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