Wednesday, May 12, 2010


ok, so i was supposed to have the afternoon off to make up for travel time the next two days.....but early on it was clear that leaving early was neither prudent in terms of budget completion, nor politically correct given the last-minute tasks that would be left to others......and so i got home nearly an hour late....and dragged myself into the house with the starving cat and hyperactive dog.....and at some point after feeding the cat and dog..and strolling about my blooming roses......i smelled coffee......seems i had lasped into my morning routine of putting on the coffee, letting out the cat and dog while i walk to the mailbox for the newspaper..... and feeding the cat and dog when they come back inside.......omg.......i have too much going on to be senile at age 54........heavy sigh....and so i turned off the coffee after it brewed, with plans to simply heat it up just before i leave for an early meeting in frankfort......


AS said...

That is truly too thrifty for words.You deserve a fresh pot, especially before a meeting!

MM said...

ok, so...this lovely saturday i got up and fed the cat and fed the dog and put the coffee on to brew while i walked out to the curb for the newspaper.....and when i came back in the aroma was lovely and expected..... i took the paper and my coffee out to the terrace...ahhh.....