Saturday, September 24, 2011


ok, so....the race for the arts was last sunday evening....this event is an all-hands-on-deck situation for the c-dubs and their extended circle.....i help with the registration table, and then cut the bananas to be offered alongside the grapes that i have previously washed and sectioned. I also share water duties with the altertnative water site at the finish line....this year's race was marred by injury.....not of the racers, but of my spouse.....he cycles the course to make sure that traffic is stopped at intersections.....some where near the corner of st mildred's court and main his left hand managed to compress the brake enough that he was hurled over the handlebars and onto the street.....runners veered off-course to assist....seems he did not get up immediately.....the ems was called to help a 40-year old who wrecked his bike on the course....but by the time they came he had gotten back on his bike to finish the taks at hand...his doctor checked him out after the award ceremony....he advised him to avoid the temptation to go to the ER, as the cost to diagnose bruised/cracked ribs will not be worth the expense given that there is not much that can be done about them... .fast-forward to saturday.....he still cannot get out of bed without help....the torn abdominal muscles still spasm on occassion....his bruised ribs are still tender.....his scrapes are still red and mean-looking..he finally sought 'official' medical attention on thursday....mostly over concern for the spasms....and the shortness of breath....yikes! let us hope that he has turned a corner and is on the road to recovery...

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