Friday, January 24, 2014

making plans.....

ok, so.....i am comtemplating a trip to walk the 1st leg of the Camino.....have figured out that flying to Barcelona, and then by train to Pamplona and then by taxi across the border to St Jean Pied de Port in France where the journey traditionally the best all I need to do is to prove to myself that I can hike 14 miles a day with a 25 pound pack in all sorts of weather come this October.....I am listening to Shirley McClaine's audiobook The camino, about her pilgrimage in the late 90's. Seems she had been there in some past life, and while others who commented on Audible's site about that part of her book being a bit wacky, I found it to be entertaining as well as a confirmation that 'we have all been here before'. She did the walk at age 60, BTW. I had been trying desparately to recall the name of the restaurant I so enjoyed in Barcelona in 2003....and finally found it by searching this very blog...Le Gremola has since closed, sadly. I was still with TRC in 2003, and it has also(sadly)closed. Looking at a few days in barcelona before we fly back home, as my spouse has never been there and there are so many fascinating things to see there. Maybe I will make it to a beach this time around....

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